News, events and articles about Sahaja Yoga meditation worldwide

The Newsletters

Shri MatajiEveryone wants less stress. And every week, all over Australia (and worldwide), people are learning how to meditate with us. Sahaja Yoga meditation, founded by Shri Mataji, is very easy to learn and is free of charge. You’re welcome to join us to experience the peace it can offer.

We asked people from one of the Sydney, Australia, meetings why they enjoy coming along each week. Here are their replies:

• Frank (attending 1 year)
“This style of meditation has really helped me to find that sense of balance that we all look for. It provides refreshing and interesting ideas about finding new pathways around old problems. I really look forward to the meetings each week. I especially recommend the footsoaking if you have trouble sleeping!”

• Sunny (1 month)
“My first experience about Sahaja Yoga weekly meetings is the pleasant feeling of rest and encouragement. The instruction is easy to understand and you simply flow along without any pressure. You do not even notice the time is ticking away.

The profound words of Shri Mataji make so much sense about life itself and strengthen many private thoughts you have wanted confirmed.

The teachers are genuinely dedicated individuals with the deep sense of commitment to impart the technique to the path of peace and happiness. It is great to share the wonderful sentiment that you are in the right place to achieve spiritual wellbeing.”

• Julie S (6 months)
“The first meeting I went to, I was unsure what was going to happen. Any hesitations I may have had faded as soon the program started. During meditation I felt my heart open and fill up with this most divine love. And I knew – I had finally found it! My true self. Since then when I go to weekly meetings, I feel elevated as soon as I walk into the room. The sense of peace engulfs me and I feel completely contented. I am empowered.”

SW was inspired to write this poem after her first night:

Candle light


Raindrops gave chase to the sultry evening
Incense turned into white smoke
Danced upwards to heaven
Sandalwood lingered with each breath
Candle light lay waiting at the seventh path
Ended the pilgrimage of restless searching
Accessible and so far away

Kundalini be my guide
I forgive everyone
I absolve my wrongs
I am not guilty
Heavy heart lifting
I’m my own master
Smile perpetuated with each affirmation

With pure knowledge, thoughtless and free
Forgotten calmness transcends
Insolence dissolved into nothingness
No longer in abeyance, a spirit awakened
Journey of awareness began
Buoyant footprints, dependable
Followed where peace and enlightenment dwell

SW, Feb 2007

Interested to attend?
Their responses say it all. If you would also like to learn how to enjoy the peace that true meditation can offer, come along. Beginners are also welcome – Sahaja Yoga is very easy to learn and everything is explained. Depending on locations, our weekly meditation meetings may be about 1 to 1.5 hours long, and might include practical sessions, recorded talks by Shri Mataji and guided meditations. Sahaja Yoga classes are offered free of charge throughout Australia (and worldwide). It is meditation based, not exercise yoga – no special clothing is required and chairs are provided. We look forward to meeting you!

• List of our free weekly meetings (Australia & international)

Kind regards from Sahaja Yoga Australia

Shri MatajiAmy was a year 7 student at a small country high school. I had taught her in year 4 and her mother baby-sat for me. One day as I arrived to collect my daughter from Amy’s mother’s place, Amy asked me a surprising question. She had an English assignment that required her to do an oral presentation on a religion. She asked if I would mind if she did hers on Sahaja Yoga, as she had learnt a little bit about it back in Year 4 when she asked me about Shri Mataji’s photograph on my desk at school. I agreed to her request on two conditions. The first was that she did not present it as a religion but as the truth of all the great religions, and the second was that she allowed me to read it before she presented it. She agreed to both these requests and I loaned her some books on Sahaja Yoga.

She gave me her work and I was impressed, but I was even more so when she said that she wished she had her self-realisation so that she could speak from experience. I told her that this was possible right then and there if her mother, Cheryl, allowed it. She did, and Amy and I moved into her room with a photograph of Shri Mataji and a candle. Amy got her realisation and strongly felt the cool breeze above the top of her head. We meditated together and the candle flame popped and grew in size as it cleared the negativity. Amy had kept her eyes open staring at Shri Mataji’s photograph through the flame. When we had finished meditating she asked my why the flame had behaved the way it did. I explained that we use the elements to clear our chakras, and that the flame was burning off negativity to clear the chakras.

As we went back into the living room, Amy asked another startling question.

“CanI give the class their realisation when I do my presentation?”

Naturally, I agreed. The next day, I brought a poster-sized photograph of Shri Mataji for Amy to use with her class.

When I arrived to collect my daughter on the day of the presentation, Cheryl suggested that I stay until Amy returned to see how it had all gone.  Amy came home beaming and said that it was “amazing.” Everything had gone well. She was glad that I had explained the candle flame’s unusual behaviour as her English teacher had kept her eyes open during the realisation process to watch the class and had seen the candle flame grow and heard it pop. At the end of Amy’s presentation, she asked Amy why this had happened and Amy was able to give an explanation.

I could hardly believe what I was hearing, but more was to come. Amy told me that a girl who was always very nervous had to give her presentation after Amy. This girl had been dreading the presentation, but later told Amy how glad she was that Amy had gone first because getting her realisation had made her the calmest that she had ever felt in her life, and she stayed that way while she gave the presentation that she had dreaded!

At lunchtime people came to ask how Amy knew about Sahaja Yoga. She told them that Tanaya’s mother had taught her. Tanaya is my eldest daughter, who was also in year 7 at the same school. Other pupils came to ask for their realisation as word had spread as to how “cool” it was.

That night Tanaya told me that her friends had heard of Amy’s presentation and had been a little upset, saying, “You knew of this all along and you didn’t tell us about it!”

That weekend one of Tanaya’s friends came to visit and the two of them headed for the bedroom. This was nothing unusual but the silence that came from the room was; so, too, were the strong vibrations that I felt as I passed the door. I opened the door a little, being very careful not to disturb them. The most beautiful sight greeted my eyes. Tanaya and her friend were sitting in front of Shri Mataji’s photograph with a lit candle. Tanaya was giving her friend her self-realisation. This occurred a couple of more times with other friends over the following days. All of these young people have had that precious connection to the Divine established,  and it will stay with them for life.


Some time ago, we held a competition in which readers were invited to suggest a new name for the newsletter. The winning suggestion was “Light of Love”, and the person who made the suggestion was Chelene Groube from Queensland, Australia. Congratulations, Chelene, on your winning entry. You will soon be the happy recipient of a CD of beautiful Sahaja music.

We chose “Light of Love” because it aptly and beautifully sums up the concept that Love has the power to enlighten our beings and bring about beneficial change in our environments.

If you have any comments about our new name, please share them with us. The newsletter has now been in operation for more than six months, and we always welcome feedback from our readers out there in Cyberland. Keep your comments flowing in! We also welcome suggestions regarding the types of items that you would like to see included in the newsletter. 

Please take the time to drop us a line. We would love to hear from you.

Jalaladdin Rumi

Not Christian or Jew or Muslim,
not Hindu, Buddhist, Sufi or Zen.
Not any religion, or cultural system.
I am not from the East or the West,
nor out of the ocean or up
from the ground, not natural or ethereal,
not composed of elements at all.
I do not exist, am not an entity in this world
or the next,
did not descend from Adam and Eve
or any origin story.
My place is placeless, a trace of the traceless.
Neither body nor soul.
I belong to the beloved
have seen the two worlds as one
and that one call to and know,
First, last, outer, inner, only that
breath breathing human.

Jalaluddin Rumi

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