News, events and articles about Sahaja Yoga meditation worldwide

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Wwoolgoolga-9-16The recent Sahaja Yoga program at Woolgoolga was one of the most successful in the giving of self-realisation we have seen over the past couple of years. The focus on the tent and the preparations really helped to lift the vibrations. Many thanks to Annaradha for her creative, artistic flair with the saris.

It began very slowly with people walking by and not even looking at our stall. Then quite a few of the yogis sat and began to meditate in the tent and whoosh! up went the vibrations and along came the seekers! It was amazing to see what happens when we collectively put our attention.

After that we had groups of people getting their self-realisation. One group would finish, and then the next group would take their place in the tent, in groups of about 7 people at a time. We put up a whiteboard with guided meditation times every 1/2 hour. This meant we could invite people, if they couldn’t stay at that time, to come back in ten minutes when we would be starting the next session. Having groups of people getting their self-realisation attracted other people walking by who would stop and watch. This gave us a chance to engage with them and give them information.

We had the site on our phones, allowing us to walk people through the pages and show them how to get talks, music and information. The response from people was very positive.

Many people took information cards and stopped to chat. We gave realisation to about 50-60 people. We were really blessed with a beautiful day weather-wise, but beyond that were blessed with being able to give Shri Mataji’s message and self-realisation to so many people. It was a joyous weekend, with our hearts so full of love.

Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji

A Meditation Workshop, “Know Yourself” will be held on Saturday 24th September, 2016 in Parramatta, NSW. The workshop will celebrate 35 years of Sahaja Yoga Meditation in Australia with free workshops, lectures, guided meditations and music.

Where: Parramatta Town Hall
182 Church Street, Parramatta
Google map

Hundreds of thousands of Australians have experienced the state of “thoughtless awareness” and inner peace using the simple Sahaja Yoga Meditation technique, which helps to reduce mental and emotional stress.

“There can be no peace in the world until there is peace within.”
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – founder of Sahaja Yoga Meditation

Suitable for absolute beginners and regular meditators.

Workshop Sessions
Journey into Silence
11am to 4pm
Discover a new dimension to your day to day world through the stillness of meditation and the experience of joy in music.

11am to 12pm
Spirituality and Indigenous Cultures

12pm to 1pm
Journey to Silence

1pm to 2pm
Music and Meditation

2pm to 3pm
Stress Management through Meditation

3pm to 4pm
Meditation Workshop

Sahaja Yoga Meditation
6pm to 8pm

This introduction to the Sahaja Yoga Meditation technique includes guided meditations to help reduce stress and achieve the peace of true meditation, as well as tips on how to  stay in balance during the day and how to meditate at home. A video talk by Shri Mataji (founder) will also be presented.

Planning to attend?
Email us at [email protected]

Live music for meditation
Our Music of Joy group will be there to provide live traditional Indian and World music to enhance the meditation experience.

Cost: No charge. All sessions are provided free by our experienced team of volunteers, as a non-profit community service.

More information
• Everyone welcome
• No physical exercises, postures or special clothing are required. Chairs are provided.
• Enquires: Call Lisa on 0437 405 155
• Event website:

Bellingen Library

Bellingen Library

Free weekly Sahaja Yoga meditation classes will start in Bellingen on Wednesday 31 August 2016 and run for four weeks. The classes will help you learn more about the Sahaja Yoga meditation technique.

When: Wednesdays from 1.30 to 2.30 pm
Where: Bellingen Library
29/31 Hyde Street, Bellingen
(20 km south-west of Coffs Harbour)
(Google map)

The classes will be held for 4 weeks from 31st August to 21st September. You can join in at any time.

About the sessions
The sessions will include guided meditations to help reduce stress and achieve the peace of true meditation, as well as tips on how to help stay in balance during the day and how to meditate at home. An audio/video talk by Shri Mataji (the founder of Sahaja Yoga) will also be presented.

More information
• Free of charge •  Everyone welcome • No booking required.
• More meditation classes Australia
• Our website:
• Enquiries: Shann 0431 432 277


International Youth DayTo celebrate  International Youth Day, a special workshop will be held for young people. Everyone is welcome, especially young people, parents and carers.

The theme for this workshop is ‘Meditation skills for life, especially for the young and young at heart!’. So please join us to celebrate International Youth Day.

The workshops will be facilitated by parents, carers and young people who have been practising meditation for many years. They will explain how meditation works and then guide you through simple meditation techniques which you can practise on your own or with us at our free weekly classes.

These practices will help you attain physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.

See below or visit our website

Saturday 13th August, 3pm to 5pm

Vines Road Community Centre
37 – 61 Vines Road, Hamlyn Heights, Geelong (Google map)
Enquiries: Reza 0401 118 700. Free ongoing meditation classes in Victoria

More information
• Free of charge • Everyone welcome • No booking required.
• No physical exercises, postures or special clothing required. Chairs provided.
Over 80 meditation classes around Australia

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