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A small group of Sahaja Yogis gave realisation at the Woodford International Indigenous Dreamtime Festival over the Queen’s Birthday weekend held on 8-11 June 2007. In all, about forty people received their self-realisation. Of these people, about seven were identifiably Indigenous. 

There was, as always, great joy at the transmitting of this priceless gift. We also felt very privileged to be part of the Festival itself. Ancient rhythms and ceremonies combined with the vibrant, contemporary Indigenous music scene. 

Original Australians from all over the country and more recently arrived races mixed freely and equally in a manner so rare in the recent history of this country. We were honoured and delighted to be there to share our Mother’s Love, and to learn from an ancient wisdom.

Sue Boyer 

Shri MatajiFirst of all, you have to be austere with yourself;

just separate yourself from yourself.

Separate yourself as a Spirit and look at your ego and superego.

Now you start watching the ego and superego –

do not maintain it; they are the destroying forces.

Now when you see the play as a witness of these destroying forces

you will know how to also maintain yourself better.

To separate yourself is easier when you take to austerity.

Shri Mataji, 1985

In the forest

Love all God’s creations,
Both the whole and every grain of sand.
Love every leaf, every ray of light.
Love the animals, love the plants,
Love each separate thing.
If you love each thing
You will see the mystery of God in all.

Feodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1881), Realised Russian author

(Photograph curtesy of Paul Candlin and the Australian Department
of Environment and Heritage)

The magic of winterThe Winter Magic Festival will be held in Katoomba, “City of the Arts”, in the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney from 23 to 24 June 2007.  As the festival website indicates, “The Winter Magic Festival celebrates the shift from the ever-shortening days of Winter to the approach of Spring and the promise of warmth and rejuvenation.” It is held each year near the time of the Winter Solstice.

On Saturday 23 June the Sahaja Yoga music group, “Music of Joy”, will be presenting beautiful, inspiring world music at various venues in Katoomba:

Civic Centre Forecourt:  10.00 am

Carrington Place:  11.00 am

Carrington Place:  3.00 pm

“Slowly Soulful” Cafe:  Various times throughout the day.

The “Slowly Soulful” Cafe will be in operation in the Senior Citizens Kitchen, next to the Civic Centre. Following the principles of Cittaslow and sourcing local organic vegetables, it will be offering nourishing meals at reasonable cost.

More information about the Winter Magic Festival can be found at the festival website:

Photograph courtesy of

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