The Newsletters
Forgiving others, while often difficult, is one of the most important things we need to do for our spiritual growth. Shri Mataji, the founder of Sahaja Yoga, has said that if Jesus Christ had not come on the earth, we would not have been able to have the spontaneous attainment of Self-realisation which has been made possible through the methods of Sahaja Yoga. The reason is that the quality of the Agnya Chakra is forgiveness. By forgiving those who crucified Him, Jesus opened the Agnya Chakra. If the Agnya Chakra had not been opened, it would not have been possible for Shri Mataji to open the Sahasrara, the last Chakra in the human evolutionary process.
If we do not forgive, the Agnya Chakra remains closed, and we cannot experience the full blessings of Self-realisation. If the Agnya is not fully clear, we are dominated by our thoughts which come either from the past or the future. If the thoughts are coming from the past, we are governed by the Superego or conditionings. If our thoughts are of the future, we are governed by the Ego, the notion that we are responsible for creating what is going to happen in our lives. It is only when we are released from both the Ego and the Superego that we are able to be in the present. In the present, there are no thoughts, and we can then enter into a state of thoughtless awareness or true meditation.
One way of opening the Agnya Chakra is to recite the Lord’s Prayer which was given to us by Jesus Christ. The key phrases are:
“Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us”.
Thus, the Lord’s Prayer is actually a mantra specially designed to open the Agnya Chakra.
Jesus also said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Light.” Another way of opening the Agnya Chakra is to use light. Thus, looking at a candle flame or a fire is an effective way of clearing the mind of thoughts and opening this chakra.
This, then, is the true meaning of forgiveness: letting go of thoughts of the past or of the future, in order to prepare the Agnya Chakra for the last great breakthough in our evolution. When we do this, we are no longer burdened by guilt, regret or anger, but attain a peaceful state of mind where we can experience the joy of being in the present. Of great significance, however, is that this state also paves the way for the attainment of Self-realisation.
(Photograph courtesy of
Hearts a-flutter, we stand at the precipice.
What does the future hold?
Are we brave enough
To take the leap of faith
That propels us into the unknown?
With our minds grounded in human existence
We are not aware of the storehouse
Of love and knowledge and blessings
That are ready for us,
If we have the courage to take.
They are there for the asking.
They do not depend on youth or beauty
Or riches or fame.
They are not related to ambition
Or striving or greed.
They are the pure existence,
The pure blessings of Our Holy Mother,
Available to all who wish to partake,
To all who wish to join
In the throngs of people living in Love.
Melody Anderson
On Tuesday 11 September, Shri Mataji arrived in Australia with Her husband, Sir CP Srivastava, and their family. They will be in Sydney for an extended stay.
All the Sahaja Yogis welcome Shri Mataji and Her family, and wish them a very enjoyable stay. We are very grateful that Shri Mataji has decided to come to visit our country again. People from all over the world are arriving to join in the many joyous celebrations that have been arranged.
There are my words and there are yours
and somewhere inbetween
is the truth.
There is my judgement and there is yours
and somewhere inbetween
hides the truth.
There is our past and our hopes for the future
and somewhere inbetween
there is the truth.
my truth and yours
there lies the discovery.
our beliefs and our cultures
the truth has no words.
thinking and feeling
we do not know
what the truth of the matter is.
we must surrender,
to the space between.
And inbetween
we are free.
Melissa Richard
(Photograph courtesy of