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Tree reflected in lake

Trees reflected in lake

“Why has God created this beautiful universe?” has been a question asked for thousands of years. The reason is very simple to understand. This beauty that is created cannot see itself. In the same way, God who is the source of beauty, cannot see His own beauty. Like a pearl cannot enter into itself to see its beauty, like the sky cannot understand its own beauty, the stars cannot see their own beauty, the sun cannot behold its brilliance. In the same way, God Almighty cannot behold His own being. He needs a mirror. And that’s how He has created this beautiful universe as His mirror.

In this mirror, He has created now the beautiful things like the sun. The sun has to see his own reflection also. So He has created these beautiful trees to see that when he shines they come up so well and look so green.

Reflections in lake

Reflections in lake

Then He has created those birds to rise early in the morning to greet the sun, so that the sun knows that  “Yes, I am there, I am existing.” Or else He has created these beautiful lakes for these trees to see their reflection and the lakes to feel their existence when the ripples start moving within themselves.

So then He created human beings. The human beings also cannot see their own beauty, their own glory. That’s why they are in the darkness. They are ignorant. They cannot see what lies within themselves. So they are running after something which is absolutely against themselves, which is ugliness, which is self-destructive. And the struggle to get to reality is such a lot that, as a result, they destroy themselves – like people have taken to these drugs, taken to all bad habits because they do not know what beautiful things they are.

So now a mirror has to be created for them to see for themselves, how beautiful they are. Their mirror is their spirit. That spirit is to be brought in their consciousness, in their attention. If it comes in their attention, then they can see their image.

Shri Mataji, 1983

(First photograph:; Second photograph:

I was gardening, or should I say weeding. As I did so I asked that Shri Ganesha would cleanse my chakras and take away all the obstacles to the success of the Sahaja Yoga programs in Newcastle, Australia, as well as to my own ascent.

Financial concerns popped up for a moment, as my mind went to the cost of new photos, CDs, DVDs and hire of a hall, as it was about the same time as the new Sahaja Yoga programs were beginning in Newcastle. I knew my car needed new brake pads, and so my busy mind attempted to tell me I needed at least $1000 to register the car. I stopped my thoughts and told myself that I have all the faith in Shri Mataji and if my faith was complete, then I shouldn’t need to replace anything. The pads should fix themselves. Why not? If Shri Mataji says so, then it is possible. The thoughts drifted away and I went back to weeding.

The reason I knew I had to replace the brake pads is that I had been told last year at vehicle registration time that the brakes had only just passed the test. An NRMA safety check had also told me that I needed new rear brake pads.

On the morning that the film about Shri Mataji was to be shown in Charlestown, a suburb of Newcastle, I took my car to Goodyear Tyres to get the brake pads fixed. I was told the job would take two hours. So I came armed with my laptop, and started to do some work sitting in the sun. About twenty minutes after they had taken my car for repair, I was stunned to see it was back in the car park already.

I walked back inside and the receptionist told me that she would be with me in a minute. I was a little confused. I hadn’t wanted to hang around there for two hours but I did want the work done. I was then told by the owner that my brakes were fine and didn’t need anything done to them. She had even had two more mechanics check them and they all agreed that there was no problem with the brakes.

My face lit up with a ridiculous grin as I said, “Never mind that they are OK when they shouldn’t be. You are honest enough to tell me!”

The message is simple: JUST HAVE FAITH! Forget what our logic and reasoning say and have faith that things will work out. Please believe in Shri Mataji and that we truly do operate in a Divine world. 


Gurrumul Yunupingu

Gurrumul Yunupingu

A reader has written to recommend listening to two recent releases of what he describes as remarkable Australian music.

“I have just heard a most incredible Australian CD, Cannot Buy My Soul – The Songs of Kev Carmody.   The musician and songwriter, Paul Kelly, pulled together a stellar cast of the cream of the Australian music scene to host a concert playing the songs of Kev Carmody, an Aboriginal drover turned musician.

“Kev Carmody wrote his songs from the 1960s through to the 1980s.  There is so much dignity and eloquence in these songs, expressing the story from the soul of the Australian Indigenous people.  Sometimes music can express the inexpressible qualities of a country – such is this music. 

“Also highly recommended when contemplating Australian indigenous music is Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu’s  widely acclaimed album, Gurrumul.  There are many good reasons to recommend his music, which is mostly sung in various Indigenous languages, with scenes drawn from the Aboriginal “Dreaming”.
“Gurrumul, blind since birth and a former member of the internationally acclaimed band Yothu Yindi, has released an album of quiet beauty.  His voice has been described as having being touched by angels.  If you are interested in some really great Australian music perhaps take a chance to listen to these.”


(Blue flower)

(Blue flower)

Mother, please, unite my attention with my true atmic Self
Mother, please, keep my attention in your Divine Lotus Feet
Mother, please, make me thoughtless, centered in present
Mother, please, purify and balance my subtle system
Mother, please, make me egoless, superegoless, unconditional forgiver
Mother, please, open my heart
Mother, please, establish integration in my Sahasrara
Mother, please, make me a perfect divine instrument
Mother, please, make me a permanent citizen of Virata
Mother, please, dissolve my Spirit in the Divine Spirit
Mother, please, make me one with The Divine Oneness
Mother, please, use me as an assistant of your transforming work
In converting of humankind into a Race of Pure Divine Love
Mother, please, give me love to love your entire Creation

Veni Grig

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