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Sahaja Yoga Meditation Australia is delighted to invite you and your friends to a free screening of a unique documentary, “Freedom and Liberation”.
“Freedom and Liberation” is a biography of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation) who, inspired by her political parents and Mahatma Gandhi, dedicated her youth to the resistance against the British Empire for Indian freedom.
Throughout her entire life, Shri Mataji kept to her vision – a vision which goes beyond the political freedom of her motherland India, a vision of inner freedom and transformation of each individual, a vision that is worth fighting for and that would take her to the five continents to spread her message. A message that has the great capacity to touch people’s hearts and desire for a better life.
“Freedom and Liberation” is the work of young German director, Carolin Dassel, who shows the many stages of this adventurous life in a very subtle way. The timeless impressions and beautiful music, as well as the original locations and archival material, combine to produce an atmosphere of meditative authenticity. The film has now been shown nationally and internationally.
When: Monday 30 March, 7.00pm
Where: Cinema Paradiso, cnr Ocean View and Schnapper Rd, Ettalong Beach
(70 minutes north of Sydney – Google map))
Admission is free of charge and no booking is required.
More about the Freedom & Liberation film.
We look forward to seeing you at the theatre!

(Lotus flower)
Holy Mother of my soul, complete,
I have surrendered, at Your Lotus Feet,
All the hurt and all the heat,
All the feelings of defeat,
All the anger, all the pain,
All the tension, all the strain,
All the worries, all the fears,
All the years of unshed tears.
Oh! Shri Vishnumaya, dazzling bright,
Chase away the shadows of the night.
Shri Adi Guru, ancient dawning light,
Take away illusion from my sight.
Let the dried-up hot dead sea of strife
Turn to the lush soft garden of vibrant life.
Show me the way to become my own Master,
How to reach my Self in the Virata.
The Way is only You, Your Lotus Feet,
Beloved Holy Mother, my All, Complete.
Katie Cartmel
(Photograph: Vishnu Bonneau)

Shri Mataji
The attention can be concentrated now, after Realisation only. But even realised souls have to work it out. This is the biggest problem that I think I see, that our attentiion is so distributed we cannot do anything in a concentrated manner. That’s why there is guru shopping also going on…
So to clear the attention, clear this garbage into that clear-cut, beautiful lake, you have to go within. You have to allow it to sediment. You have to take pride. By its own nature it will come, the beauty. And then you will see a ripple in that lake within you, a peaceful space in which you will see the bliss of God flowing into you, through you, you observing it and seeing it manifesting into the other. That is what needs to be asked for. No mental activity can do that. It is only the desire to be that works it. Mental activity, rationality, saps it. Through rationality, you cannot reach God…
It is said, “Those who will be blessed have to humble down in their heart.” It is very true. It is very, very true that we have to humble down in our hearts, so that it will work. And keep your attention steady…
So just try to humble down in your heart and it will work out. Every time you get your touching of the kundalini or, you can say, the breakthrough, every time you get that experience, keep it in your memory and desire for it and it will work out. Do not keep in memory the faults that you have had, where you have been.
When you climb up on top of a hill or a mountain, you don’t remember all the ditches you have fallen into in your chuildhood. You enjoy the atmosphere on the hilltop. Make it a strong memory within you and try to keep it there.
Shri Mataji, 1978

Abraham Lincoln
On 12 February 2009 Abraham Lincoln’s 200th Birthday was celebrated in Springfield by America’s new 44th President, Barack Obama.
Shri Mataji has paid tribute many times to Abraham Lincoln and his achievements. Here are some quotations from her talks.
But I would say when I see Abraham Lincoln I think he was a great brother to the Statue of Liberty. The way he fought for women in such pure love and without taking any money, without charging them anything, to punish the husbands who were drunkards. That’s just like a very good, powerful brother to behave. But those feelings are now dying out, I think.
Shri Mataji, 1987
So you are very different from all others, because a Spirit has given birth to your Spirit. You have been cleansed by the Spirit. So you cannot live like that, like all other human beings are living. All the clashes, all the problems of human beings are because they are not what they talk. Ideals are out, out of their life. That is how a Sahaja Yogi will show himself off, compared to anybody else.
Take an example say of Abraham Lincoln, all right? Abraham Lincoln believed that everybody must have freedom and the government should be for the public, for the people. Whatever he talked he practised. Whatever he believed in he worked it out, and gave his life for it. That’s why he’s a great man. Think of Mahatma Gandhi. They were not like Christ, Incarnations. Think of any great man. Think of Shivaji Maharaj, any one of the Saints. They were human beings. But once they knew this is the principle on which we have to live, they become one with the principles. They do not compromise.
Shri Mataji, 1983