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Sahaja Yoga Meditation Queensland would like to invite you to our next meditation workshop to be held on Saturday 28 May 2011.

For those of you who have already been attending our weekly programs, this workshop will teach you new techniques to enhance your meditations, helping you to find a new depth of peace and clarity, as well as improving your general state of well-being.

For the beginner, this is an opportunity to discover the peace which lies within and experience a new awareness that you probably never knew existed.

Here’s some feedback from our previous workshops:
“Incredibly informative!”
“Well presented, relaxed with practical exercises to demonstrate the techniques.”
“Everyone presenting the lessons was open and genuine and shared from the heart”
“Showed generosity of spirit without asking anything in return”
“The welcoming and friendly people made me feel like I belonged.”
“A very uplifting experience.”
Event details:
Saturday 28 May, 2:00pm to 5:30pm
Sahaja Yoga Meditation Centre,
95 McClintock Road, Wamuran Queensland
(60 minutes north of Brisbane)

2:00 – 2:30pm: Arrival and refreshments
2:30 – 3:00pm: Meditation – How to achieve the state of mental silence
3:00 – 4:00pm: Clearing techniques to improve your meditation
4:00 – 4:20pm: Video lecture from Shri Mataji (founder)
4:20 – 5:15pm: Meditation and live music
5.30pm: Dinner

Cost: There are no costs or payments required for your attendance.

Seating: Chairs provided.

Directions to Workshop venue in Wamuran:
The address is: 95 McClintock Road, Wamuran. From the M1 motorway, take the Kilcoy exit and proceed along D’aguilar Highway until you reach Wamuran. Opposite the IGA store, turn right and then right again into Station Rd. Turn left at the small roundabout into Newlands Rd for approx 3km, then left into Patane Rd which leads to McClintock Rd. Number 95 is just over the top of the hill on the left.
View Google map here.

If you are planning to attend, to assist us in our preparations for the day, please email us at [email protected].

Music of Joy world music group

Music of Joy have now launched their official website,

Here you will be able to keep track of all their concerts around Australia and tours around the world.

The Realise Asia Tour 2010 included thirteen concerts in Vietnam, China, Thailand, Combodia, Laos and Malaysia, with plans under way for the 2011 Realise Asia Tour.

“Music of Joy” is a unique, multicultural group of musicians in Australia who believe the purpose of music is to create and share joy. Exceptional joy – jubilant, relaxing, profound. Joy that reverberates with audiences, offering elation, bliss, solace.

Much of the group’s repertoire stems from Bhajans – songs of the spirit, songs of praise and adoration. To these ancient songs, “Music of Joy” has added Indian traditional village songs, music from Pakistan, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, England, Israel, Russia and Africa, as well as a number of home-grown compositions by members of the group.

The experience that can result from sharing this unique world music is thoughtless awareness, a relaxed meditative state which can be understood and developed through the Sahaja Yoga Meditation practised by these musicians. It’s an experience the musicians love to share.

Find out more at:


Shri Mataji

It is a very unique thing that has happened, that your Sahasraras were opened out. There were very few people in this whole world. There were some Sufis, there were some saints, some other people also in China, I know, but very few. Very few got their Sahasrara opened out. So whatever they said or wrote was never understood by the people. They actually tortured them. They crucified them and did all kinds of horrible things because they couldn’t bear somebody getting this realisation…

So nowadays the world is full of turmoil, as you see, full of nonsensical people coming up, full of quarrelsome people. Dominating people are overpowering. At this time, if you just see this in the witness state, this will disappear because you are very powerful. But you must know, first of all, that you must have the equipment to use the power. If you have the equipment within you, you can do it. But with your ego you cannot.

Ego is the greatest hurdle for your ascent. You can see that ego is at a place where you have to just cross to go to the Sahsrara. And to break the Sahasrara is very easy otherwise. But if there is ego, you are already lost in that ego. So against all this, one has to understand to “watch yourself”. Is it egoistical? What does it think about itself? Ego is very limited. It makes you limited and you do not see the purpose of your life. Why have you become a realised soul? You do not understand. You just are involved in your own affairs, in your family, in your children, in your something like that – very low. But if you have, if you have a ego-less temperament, then you are very effective; the whole power works. What I have seen, the power of Sahasrara is so great. In some people it has worked wonders…

Now, as it is, I am here to tell you about it. In those days when these saints came in, nobody was there to guide them, to tell them anything. On the contrary, they were so much destroyed by the surroundings, and people never understood why they did not have any ego, why they were so humble; so they were misused. But now you have powers. You must know how to use your powers. But that should not give you, by any chance, any ego that you have powers. On the contrary, you should be humble. You have the power to be humble and you can be humble… 

Shri Mataji,  Cabella, Italy, 5 May 2002

Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja Yoga

It is the love that you give and the love that you receive, which is not a love which is entangled into anything with any purpose, with any idea. But just to feel that love, pure love within yourself and within others is the greatest gift of the Divine. All other things are useless.

Shri Mataji, Delhi, 21 March 1996

If you think that by standing on your heads or paying me some money you can achieve your realisation, I am sorry that this is not the shop that sells it. This is a gift from God. It is a grace of God which is bestowed upon you, which you have to receive. As you have received everything else, you are going to receive it also.

Shri Mataji, London, 30 June 1979

You must know one thing, that I cannot take anything from you. I cannot receive. My nature is not to receive, but just to give. So you take it from me; it is a gift. Just take it and have it and enjoy it. This what you have been seeking, not in this life, but many lives before. And the time has come and the chance has come.

Shri Mataji, Cabella, Italy, 10 September 1995

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