News, events and articles about Sahaja Yoga meditation worldwide

The Newsletters

Here’s a list of our free online Daily Meditations, Courses and 24/7 Channel for you to explore. Recordings from previous courses and sessions are also available.

We’re also providing links to our WhatsApp groups where you can ask questions and receive ongoing support as you discover and enjoy Sahaja Yoga meditation. (WhatsApp is a free chat service for mobiles and computers.)

Millions around the world are enjoying our free meditation since it was started by Shri Mataji in 1970. Her Sahaja Yoga meditation promotes mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing.

21 Series Course

Advanced Meditation
Every Sunday and Wednesday • 8:45pm to 10pm (Sydney time)
(Convert to your local time)
Hosted by the Queensland team.
The third course of the 21 Series programs for those who have received their Self-realisation and have been participating in our online or face-to-face classes and are familiar with the basic Sahaja Yoga clearing, balancing and meditation techniques.
Current topics include Mantras for the all chakras (energy centres).

Join “21 Series Course” WhatsApp Group

7 Series Course

Advanced Meditation
Every Monday and Thursday • 12pm to 1pm (Sydney time)
(Convert to your local time)
Hosted by the Canberra team.
For those who have received their Self-realisation and have been participating in our online or face-to-face classes and are familiar with the basic Sahaja Yoga clearing, balancing and meditation techniques.
This week’s topics cover Mantras for the first and second chakras (energy centres).

Join “7 Series Course” WhatsApp Group

Daily Meditations

Every day
Hosted by the Australian and International Sahaja Yoga team.
For newcomers and regular meditators. Collective meditation sessions with clearing, balancing, talks and discussions on a topic of the day.
Daily sessions and webcast schedule 


Shri Mataji

Sahaja Yoga Meditation sessions will be held in Scarborough again in the wonderful new surf club facility next to the swimming pool. Experience the benefits of this truly natural approach and enjoy some time at the beach afterwards.
The classes will run for the full school term, starting this Saturday 24 July to Saturday 18 September 2021.

Free meditation classes
Every Saturday 10:30am – 11:30am

Scarborough Surf Life Saving Club
(North of the Scarborough swimming pool)
163 The Esplanade Scarborough, Perth
(Google map)

Suitable for all ages and no previous experience required. No special clothing required. Chairs provided. Always a great way to start the day!

More information

  • Everyone welcome.
  • No charge. Provided free by our experienced team of volunteers, as a non-profit community service.
  • No physical exercises, postures or special clothing are required. Chairs are provided.
  • Enquiries: Phone 1300 724 252
  • Daily meditation webcasts (and recordings) on YouTube and Zoom.
  • Our News & Events

Come and join us at this very special meditation event. Learn how to feel the peace within and how to understand and strengthen our connection with the Mother Earth. Learn how to easily maintain this state of serenity and balance with a simple daily practice, and learn how our own state of balance within can positively impact the environment as well as those around us.
Our Gidgegannup Centre is set amongst Nature’s beauty and tranquility to help experience inner peace.

Suitable for absolute beginners and regular meditators. Full details below.

COVID Safety Guidelines and Plans

Social distancing and hygiene measures will be followed at this event, as set out by the WA Government’s COVID Safety Guidelines and Plans.

Getting to Gidgegannup

From Perth, turn left from Reid Hwy or right from Roe Hwy into Toodyay Rd. Travel for approximately 10 minutes on Toodyay Rd until you reach O’Brien Rd. O’Brien Rd is on the left immediately after Roland Rd (on the right) which goes to Parkerville. Set your speedometer as you turn into O’Brien Rd and then travel 12.2 km to the turn in at 1254 O’Brien Rd, which is the Sahaja Yoga Centre. As a guide there is a one lane bridge at the 11.2km mark, just 1km from the centre. (See Google map)

More information

  • Everyone welcome.
  • Light refreshments provided.
  • No charge. Provided free by our experienced team of volunteers, as a non-profit community service.
  • No physical exercises, postures or special clothing are required. Chairs are provided.
  • Enquires: 1300 724 252
  • Daily meditation webcasts (and recordings) on YouTube, Facebook and Zoom.
  • Our News & Events

To celebrate 40 years of Sahaja Yoga in Australia, there will be a free music and meditation program in Brisbane.

Where: The Finnish Hall, 62 Newnham Rd, Mt Gravatt East

When: 15 May 2021, 7.00 pm

The program will include musical items, introduction to Sahaja Yoga and its founder, Shri Mataji, and meditation. Refreshments will be served.

You are invited to come along to experience true meditation and the peace that it brings to us.

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