The Newsletters
There is nothing like laughing. Laughing is the greatest correction. You will laugh at ourself. You will laugh at others. Do not make others look ridiculous, but just enjoy the way others are and enjoy each other. They are all very beautiful people, very beautiful. It is like one beautiful flower is enjoying the fragrance of another beautiful flower. That is what it should be.
One should not feel that “Oh, look at this flower. It’s so beautiful.” Look at yourself. You are beautiful, too. But unless and until you enjoy the fragrance and the beauty of another flower, you cannot know what you are because you are all just the same inside. You are all people whose spirit have come into their attention, wonderful people, certified yogis.
Shri Mataji, Geneva, 23 September 1990
Two free meditation classes will be held in Nukualofa, the capital of Tonga. The Sahaja Yoga meditation classes will be run by two practising Sahaja yogis from Australia.
The classes are suitable for people who have never meditated before, as well as regular meditators. There are no strenuous physical exercises, and no special clothing or postures are required.
Sahaja Yoga meditation is a very simple method for achieving a state of “thoughtless awareness” or mental stillness. This is very relaxing, and has been shown in scientific studies to have beneficial effects on physical health and mental wellbeing.
Dates: 22 August and 29 August, 2012
Time: 7.00 to 8.30pm
Venue: St Andrew’s High School Hall
There is no charge for these classes. Sahaja Yoga is always free.
For more information, click here.
If you want to be positive, it is very easy. And for that you should see, “Where is your attention?” Are you only seeing problems or are you seeing some fun in it? There are people who cannot make fun of anything. If it is a sunny day, they will cry, “Oh God, what a sunny day!” And if it is a day with clouds, they will say, “Oh, what a day!” Nothing can please them.
But to enjoy the positivity in every negativity is the capacity of a Sahaja yogi. The negativity does not exist. It is an ignorance. Also, it is not ignorance because ignorance also does not exist. If everything is the All-pervading Power, then how can there be ignorance? But supposing, in the folds of this power, if you hide, run away, you will say that there is negativity. It is like, you hide yourself in a cave, close it properly and say that there is no sun.
Shri Mataji, Galate, Italy, 6 August, 1989
Sahaja Yoga in Cairns is offering a new time slot for the regular program that is held at the Marlin Coast Neighbourhood Centre.
At the sessions, participants are shown how to achieve mental stillness in their meditations. This process is a very simple one that allows the participants to experience true meditation, known as thoughtless awareness. Regular practice of this meditation helps in reducing stress and achieving balance in our lives. In this way, we can experience better health, improved relationships and greater wellbeing.
The new meeting details are provided below:
Time: Wednesdays, 6.30 to 7.30 pm
Where: Marlin Coast Neighbourhood Centre
Lot 2, Reed Rd, Trinity Park
Cost: Always free
Enquiries: Telephone 1300 724252
We hope to see you there.
(Photograph: Vishnu Bonneau)