The Newsletters
All the knowledge is within you. If you only can get light there, you can see all that knowledge is within you. You don’t have to go anywhere for your knowledge. It’s all inside; everything is built in. You are built in so beautifully to become your Spirit that I don’t have to do much about. It just works out. Only thing is that one has to know what we should expect; to be the Spirit, what should be our expectations. And that also logically you must understand. It should be a logical conclusion. Not just because I say something, because you have become a member of some group, because you have paid money somewhere. It’s not that way. Reality is what it is. And logically it has to be reality…
In our evolution we are human beings, our awareness is that of human beings and this awareness of human beings is not the ultimate. If it was we would not have been seeking. It’s not the end of it. We have to reach at a point where something more has to happen to us. Now how do we approach the subject logically? In our evolution, what has happened to us? We were animals; from there we became human beings. What is so special about human beings compared to animals?…
We are made humans beings to feel that Divine Power, to manoeuvre that Divine Power and just enjoy the bliss of divinity. That Divine Power is the Collective Being, that gives us collective. The Spirit in our heart is the One, which is the Collective Being within us, which manifests that Divine Power to flow through, and that’s how, once we are connected with the mains, we start becoming what we are for. Like a machine, once it is put to the mains it gets its meaning; but this machine, though it is put to the mains, is not aware of the electricity, about My voice, anything. But a human being, when he gets connected with the mains, then he becomes aware, and this is what you must see.
Shri Mataji, Brighton UK, 14 May 1982
On the weekend of 25-27 April 2014, a large contingent of Queensland Sahaja Yogis travelled to Woolgoolga, NSW for the 9th annual “Curry Fest”.
Woolgoolga has a large population of Indians of mainly Sikh origin, and the Sikh Temple is clearly visible when driving through.
On Saturday morning, our music group performed a number of musical items, beginning at 9.30 am. Although we were early for our stage spot, the “roadies” were in hyper mode, sorting out all the cables, microphones and speakers.
Eventually our “sound check” became our first number, “Jai Gana Raya”. Onlookers, finally aware of our presence, started to approach the stage. This was followed by “Namami”, “Mahamaya” and “Jogawa”, with a good response from the growing crowd.
Then the musical performance was over, and we headed to the Sahaja Yoga stall. We had a lovely spot overlooking the beach, away from the noise of the main stage. About sixty people got their Self-realisation, and many more took brochures and information about Sunday’s follow-up program, which was booked in a local hall.
People who came to the stall on Saturday at the Festival came to the follow-up program on Sunday to receive more information and to experience the meditation again. The people who attended enjoyed the meditation and a talk by Shri Mataji (the founder of Sahaja Yoga). Overall, it was a very gentle and loving program, with every hope that people will continue at the local program in Coffs Harbour and at a possible new program in Woolgoolga.
New Sahaja Yoga meditation classes will be held in Canberra at Belconnen and Greenway.
About the classes Sessions are designed for both complete beginners and regulars. You will learn simple techniques to experience the peace of true meditation and how to deepen your experience.
• One 90-minute class per week.
• Join in at any time, even if you miss a class.
• No physical exercises, postures or special clothing required.
• Chairs are provided.
• No booking required.
Class locations
Greenway: Every Monday for 6 weeks (starting Monday 28th April) 6:30pm to 7:30pm. Tuggeranong Community & Function Centre 245 Cowlishaw St, Greenway. Phone: 0412 882 163
Belconnen: Every Thursday for 6 weeks (starting Thursday 1st May) 6:30pm to 7:30pm. Belconnen Library Swanson Street Belconnen. Phone: 0410 177 822
Cost: No charge and no booking required.
• “You have to know your spirit … for without knowing your spirit you cannot know the truth.”
• “A star is shining within us and that is our spirit.”
• “Innately, within us resides the spirit which wants to enlighten you,to give you the peace, the bliss and the joy of our being.”
•”True and lasting solution to present ills can be found only by inner, collective transformation of human beings.”
• The truth which can be actualised after Self-Realisation is that you are not this body, this mind, this conditioning from the past, this ego, these emotions, but that you are the Pure Spirit.”
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi – founder of Sahaja Yoga
A laugh of appreciation, a laugh of enjoyment – it is so pure and creates such a beautiful atmosphere. I think the whole ecological problem is in our brains…. It is not outside. It is inside us, which is reflected outside…. You are all grown-up children of mine, and I want you to know all the beauties that are within you that you have to enjoy. First of all, learn to laugh at yourself. That is the best way to enjoy yourself … we have so many other beautiful facets and such beautiful things within our personality that we have forgotten to enjoy. (Shri Mataji, 1997).
One of the basic things we should avoid is to criticise others. It is better to criticise yourself. Criticise yourself, criticise your brothers and sisters, criticise your country, criticise all the habits you have and laugh at yourself, is the best way. If you know how to laugh at yourself, then you will not object or will not stand in the way of any creativity of another person. (Shri Mataji, 1989)