The Newsletters
Meditation & Music
Canberra National Multicultural Festival
Friday 12th to Sunday 14th February, 2016
Our Sahaja Yoga Meditation team and Music of Joy group will be at the Canberra National Multicultural Festival from Friday 12th to Sunday 14th February.
Please drop in to our meditation stall where our local Sahaja Yoga meditation practitioners will be happy to show you our simple meditation technique.
Stall location
Canberra National Multicultural Festival
Stall number: B17/B18 (Stall is located near Stage 1 off Bunda Street, Canberra Centre)
- Friday 12th February, 3:00pm to 11:00pm
- Saturday 13th February, 10:30am to 11:00pm
- Sunday 14th February, 10:30am to 6.00pm
Google Map for Meditation Stall
The renowned Music of Joy will appear for their fifth successive year to sing their delightful and vibrant songs taken from countries all over the globe. Their music can awaken and enlighten the spirit within and one can feel both meditative, joyous and uplifted in a most effortless and spontaneous way.
- 9.45am to 10.30am
Stage 7 European Union Stage – Akuna Street (off London Circuit) - 12.30pm to 1.00pm
Stage 8 Friendship Stage – Mort Street (off London Circuit) - 5.50pm to 6.20pm
Stage 7 – European Union Stage – Akuna Street (off London Circuit)
Sunday 14 February
- 12:30pm to 1:00pm
Stage 4 Reconciliation Stage – Alinga Street, (off London Circuit) - 4.30pm to 5:30pm
Stage 5 Goodwill Stage – Civic Square (near The Canberra Theatre & Civic Library – off London Circuit)
Free weekly meditation classes in Canberra and surrounding areas.
• Canberra classes
• Australia wide classes
All events are free of charge
Hope to see you there!
Best wishes,
Sahaja Yoga Meditation Canberra
An evening of Music & Meditation with Music of Joy
Our Music of Joy group and meditation team will be in Sydney to share their unique music and meditation with you.
Friday 12th February 2016 • 6pm to 9pm
Cabravale Leisure Centre (Courtyard)
30 Broomfield Street, Cabramatta Sydney
(Google Map)
Music of Joy is a unique world music group based in Sydney that has been touring in South East Asia for the past 6 years. The magic of the band comes from the dynamic energy produced when over 20 musicians, with a wide variety of cultural backgrounds and instruments from all over the world, join together to share the most uplifting music. Whether fast and rhythmical or laid back and meditative, the one constant is the joy of the music.
The members of the group have all come together through their practice of Sahaja Yoga Meditation. During the program, they will help the audience feel the inner joy and peace that take place when the thoughts stop. Don’t miss this unforgettable event enjoyable for the whole family.
More about Music of Joy at
Download event poster (2Mb PDF)
COSTS Free of charge. No booking required.
ENQUIRIES Call Michelle (02) 9727 9073 or Hari 0407 404 675
Free weekly meditation classes are available in Sydney and around Australia.
• Classes in Sydney and around NSW
• Classes around Australia
• Classes around the World
Hope to see you there!
Best wishes,
Sahaja Yoga Meditation Sydney
Today, we are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. The birth of Jesus Christ is very symbolic because He was born in such a manner that even the poorest of poorer wouldn’t be born in the stable. And He was put in the bed which was made of dried grass. He came on this earth to show people that for a person who is an incarnation, or who is a highly evolved soul, is not bothered about the comfort of the body.
His message was so great, and so deep, but He had disciples who were not prepared for the battle they had to fight…. He had only twelve disciples … and all of them, though, tried to dedicate themselves to Christ, fell in a trap, some of them to the worldly aspirations or to their own hankerings.
His message of love and forgiveness is the same even today, preached by all, all the saints, all the incarnations, all the prophets; they all have said about love and forgiveness. If it was challenged, or people felt that this won’t work out, they were asked to have faith in what is said, but they were simple people in those days. So they obeyed Him. Some of them definitely were very good….
He came on this earth to prepare for us our Agnya Chakra…
Shri Mataji, Ganapatipule, India, 25 December 1996
You are invited to a Meditation Workshop on Sunday 20th December, 10:30am to 1pm
Includes balancing, clearing techniques, in-depth knowledge of chakras and live music
Sahaja Yoga Meditation Centre
95 McClintock Road, Wamuran Queensland
(60 minutes north of Brisbane)
You are invited to this meditation workshop to help you grow deeper in your meditation experience and to enjoy the beautiful vibrations of our country property and to learn more from the Sahaja Yogis of the wider collective.
Cost: No charge. Workshops are provided free by our experienced team of volunteers, as a non-profit community service.
Lunch: Lunch and afternoon tea will be provided.
10:00am: Arrival and refreshments
10:30am to 1pm: Workshop
• Introduction to meditation (for newcomers)
• Video talks by Shri Mataji, founder
• Vibratory awareness workshop, foot soaking
• Clearing techniques using various elements
• In-depth knowledge about the chakras
• Meditating on earth and guided meditations
1:00pm Lunch
The Workshop:
. learn simple and effective ways to help experience the peace of true meditation
• no physical exercises, postures or special clothing required
• chairs are provided.
Getting there
The address is: 95 McClintock Road, Wamuran. From the M1 motorway, take the Kilcoy exit and proceed along D’aguilar Hwy until reaching Wamuran. Opposite the IGA store, turn right and then right again into Station Rd. Turn left at the small roundabout into Newlands Rd for approx 3km, then left into Patane Rd which leads to McClintock Rd. Number 95 is just over the top of the hill on the left. See Google map