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Shri Mataji“The basic seeking power is humility… If you think you know everything, you cannot humble down … and you cannot seek. Even if you seek, you don’t want to follow anybody else’s path …you’ll do whatever you want to do.”

“One thing is very important in your humility … you should be a humble person … not think that you are something special … or some sort of a self-important person… once you think you are important, then you are not part and parcel of the whole… If you start thinking like that, anywhere in your journey of Sahaja Yoga, then I must say that you are not in the Sahaja Vasta, the Sahaja State.”

“Those who are humble can only become friendly with each other, can share their problems with each other. So humility can only help you to articulate, to have rapport with your friends. But humility should not be sympathetic – it is a detached quality that does not get attached to any person.”

“Only a person who is not guilty will be really humble, because guilty people are aggressive … are sarcastic… A humble person is a free person, free to be humble, to be kindly, to be gentle, to be compassionate – that sort of Sahaja Yogis you have to be. When people meet you they will be impressed. Humility doesn’t have any subservience, and is very different to compassion. Humility is a very human quality, is a special quality only the bhaktas have. It is such a beautiful quality of taking the showers of bliss, and a person who cannot take, is so lonely. Such a person cannot get companionship with anyone.”

Shri Mataji

Abraham LincolnWhen Abraham Lincoln was campaigning to become the President of the United States, one of his arch-enemies was a man named Stanton. For some reason Stanton hated Lincoln. He used every ounce of his energy to degrade him in the eyes of the public. So deep-rooted was Stanton’s hate for Lincoln that he uttered unkind words about his physical appearance, and sought to embarrass him at every point with the bitterest of diatribes.

In spite of this, Lincoln was elected President of the United States. Then came the period when he had to select his cabinet which would consist of the persons who would be his most intimate associates in implementing his program. He selected Stanton to fill the all-important post of Secretary of War.

There was an immediate uproar in the inner circle when the news began to spread. An adviser was heard saying to him, “Mr. President, you are making a mistake. Do you know this man, Stanton? Are you familiar with all of the ugly things he said about you? He is your enemy. He will seek to sabotage your program. Have you thought this through, Mr. President?”

Mr. Lincoln’s answer was terse and to the point, “Yes, I know Mr. Stanton. I am aware of all the terrible things he has said about the best man for the job”. So Stanton became Abraham Lincoln’s Secretary of War and rendered an invaluable service to his nation and his President.

Not many years later Lincoln was assassinated. Many laudable things were said about him as the greatest of all Americans. Even today, millions of people still adore him as the greatest of all Americans. HG.Wells selected him as one of the six great men of history. But of all the great statements made about Abraham Lincoln, the words of Stanton remain among the greatest. Standing near the dead body of the man he once hated, Stanton referred to him as one of the greatest men that ever lived and said, “He now belongs to the ages”.

If Lincoln had hated Stanton both men would have gone to their graves as bitter enemies. But through the power of love Lincoln transformed an enemy into a friend.

It was this same attitude that made it possible for Lincoln to speak a kind word about the South during the Civil War when feeling was most bitter. Asked by a shocked bystander how he could do this, Lincoln said, “Madam, do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?” This is the power of redemptive love.

Shri MatajiYou must pray to God and ask what you want. Ask for:

“Complete satisfaction in my heart, joy in my heart, bliss in my heart, so that the whole world becomes blissful.

“Give me love, love that I could … love the whole world and that the whole world becomes one in love.

“Give salvation to this … humanity , which is suffering.

“Take me to Your Feet.

“Cleanse me … with Thy love.”

Now see if there is God or not. You can feel it within yourself. He hears you. He understands you. He’s the glory of all the glory. He loves you. He protects you. He guides you. He created you to reveal His love, but accept it.

Any time any thought is coming, you pray and you will be moving in the waves of that ocean which is the unconcsious mind, which starts with thoughtless awareness.

If you cannot become thoughtless, you pray:

“Forgive me for what I have done and forgive those who have done harm to me.”

Shri Mataji, 1975

Sahaja News is designed to provide useful, interesting information about Sahaja Yoga meditation. Sahaja Yoga was started in 1970 by Shri Mataji who developed a simple, unique technique for attaining self-realisation. Sahaja Yoga is practised by people all over the world, and countless people today are enjoying the benefits of Sahaja Yoga meditation.

News items cover a wide range of topics, including the teachings of Shri Mataji and other great spiritual leaders, Sahaja Yoga events in Australia and other countries, the subtle system and chakras, methods for balancing the chakras and meditation methods.

Poems, artwork and photographs, heart-warming and inspiring stories, and personal experiences of Sahaja Yoga practitioners are designed to provide a balanced, harmonious approach to the subject.

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