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So today we are talking about Christ. He is sitting in a position of Agnya Chakra, controlling pineal and pituitary. By that He controls our conditioning. If we follow Him then we cannot be conditioned by anything, because He talked of Spirit only.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Christmas 1995.

While Lord Jesus was actually born at the the time of Diwali (the Festival of Lights), the date on which we celebrate Christmas, December 25th, also has significance in relation to Christ. The early Roman Christians, perhaps not knowing the true date, decided to celebrate Christ’s birth at the time of the mid-winter solstice (shortest day in the Northern Hemisphere), the date on which the pre-Christian god of the Sun, Sol, had been invoked to lengthen the duration of daylight so that Spring could return. According to one scholar writing in the twelfth century:

It was a custom of the Pagans to celebrate on the same 25 December the birthday of the Sun, at which they kindled lights in token of festivity. In these solemnities and revelries the Christians also took part. Accordingly when the doctors of the Church perceived that the Christians had a leaning to this festival, they took counsel and resolved that the true Nativity should be solemnised on that day.

Several early Christian writers connected the rebirth of the sun to the birth of Jesus. Cyprian observed:

O, how wonderfully acted Providence that on that day on which that Sun was born … Christ should be born.

Jesus ChristShri Jesus is the Lord of the Agnya Chakra, which corresponds to the Sun. In Christian icons Christ is often depicted making a gesture of blessing identical to the Surya mudra (see illustration), a symbolic hand pose in which the ring finger is touched by the thumb. The significance of this is that the ring finger corresponds, in ancient traditions as well as in Sahaja Yoga, to the Sun and the Agnya Chakra. The early Christians seemed to want to make a connection between Jesus and the pre-existing mythological tradition of solar deities, who also had virgin births and were resurrected. Hence Sunday is the Christian holy day.

Sunlight is important for the Agyna Chakra, which governs the pineal gland in the centre of the brain. The pineal gland is much bigger in children: it shrinks at the time of puberty. It is controlled by the innocence of Christ. The pineal gland synthesizes and secretes the hormone melatonin, an important regulator of mood, that communicates information about environmental lighting to various parts of the body, and establishes bio-rhythms such as the conditioning of sleep and waking. The light-transducing ability of the pineal gland has led some to call the pineal the “third eye”.

Patients with seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a regular recurrence of depression during autumn and winter, caused by a drop in melatonin levels in the brain, often improve after basking under bright light, a technique known as phototherapy.

I am the Light of the World.
-Lord Jesus

Graham Brown

The Poet SoordaasA poet named Soordaas lived in India a few centuries ago. He was blind. Soordaas worshipped Lord Krishna. Even though he was blind, it was always his wish and faith that one day he would see Lord Krishna.

One day while walking in the village where he lived, he became disoriented and as a result he fell into a well. Being a wise man, he recognised his predicament and that he was likely to drown in the well. As he floated in the water he started to pray to his beloved Lord Krishna, saying, “O Lord, I am not worried about dying, but my desire to have Your Darshan will not be fulfilled in this life.”

A voice called from above the well, “Hold my hand and I will pull you out of the well.” Soordaas held on to the offered hand and was pulled out of the well.

Soordaas’s benefactor said, “Now that you are out of the well and you are safe, please let go of my hand”. Soordaas replied, “No, Lord Krishna, this is not an ordinary human who can reach into the well to save me. This can only be My Lord Whom I have been seeking all my life. I will not let go till I have your Darshan.” Thus the devotion and complete surrender of Soordaas was rewarded with Lord Krishna’s Darshan (Divine presence).

Avtar Sodhi

                                                     Navaho Valley                                          

I ask all blessings,
I ask them with reverence,
of my Mother the earth,
of the sky, moon, and sun my Father.
I am old age: the essence of life,
I am the source of all happiness.
All is peaceful, all in beauty,
all in harmony, all in joy.

Anonymous Navaho (19th – 20th Century)

Kabir, the Weaver Saint of BenaresKabir Sahib, otherwise known as “The Weaver Saint of Benares”, lived in Northern India between the years 1380 and 1460. He is considered by many to be one of the greatest mystics of all times. His verses, hymns and compositions are almost universally known in India, where they are sung with great love and devotion to this day.

He was extremely outspoken in his opposition to the folly and futility of the external religious practices adopted by both Hindus and Muslims. Despite that, he was revered and respected by the followers of both faiths.

He was held in high esteem by his contemporaries. Two of his disciples were Raja Vir Singh and Shah Ibrahim Adham, king of Bokhara. The latter, keen on his spiritual search, learned about Kabir at Kashi. Being accepted as one of Kabir’s disciples was not, however, an easy task for the King, who repeatedly begged Kabir for the invaluable gift of Initiation.

In the beginning, Kabir was reluctant to grant that boon, because he was very conscious of the fact that, as a monarch, Ibrahim would have a great sense of self-importance, and this trait is not desirable in a person who intends to tread the Spiritual Path. So, Kabir turned down his repeated requests. Finally, Kabir agreed to initiate the King on the condition that he would consent to work for him as a servant. Can you imagine the pride the King must have had to swallow in order to agree to be the servant of a poor weaver? But the King’s thirst for knowledge was such that he agreed to such a condition.

After the King spent six years performing menial tasks, Kabir put him to a test, intended to establish if he had lost his self-importance. The King failed the test miserably. Kabir then decided that the King was still not humble enough to deserve the boon of initiation. So, he prolonged the probation period by another six years. After that, the King was finally initiated into the Royal Path of God realization.

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