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Canberra Intermediate Meditation Program
Saturday 5th December 2015, 5:30pm to 7pm

For beginners and those who wish to go deeper in their meditation

You are invited to this intermediate meditation program to help you achieve a deeper meditation experience with a larger group of regular meditators.

Sahaja Yoga Meditation Canberra 210 01The program will include clearing techniques using various elements (such as footsoaking) which enhance the meditation, guided meditations to establish the experience of inner silence, a video talk by Shri Mataji (founder) and music to enhance the enjoyment of the meditative experience.

No physical exercises, postures or special clothing required. Chairs are provided
Light refreshments will follow the event.

Event details
Saturday 5th December, 2015
5:30pm to 7pm
Sahaja Yoga Meditation Centre
77 Chewings Street, Scullin Canberra
[Google Map]

Planning to attend? Then email us at: [email protected]

Cost: No charge. Events are provided free by our experienced team of volunteers, as a non-profit community service.

Enquiries: (02) 6254 4986 or 0438 481 900

Meetup: Also check us out on our ACT Meetup page

We hope to see you soon!
Sahaja Yoga Meditation Canberra

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