Sahaja Yoga Queensland is pleased to announce our free monthly meditation workshop at our country property at Wamuran (60 minutes north of Brisbane) will be held on Saturday 29 August 2009.
You are invited to attend this event which will commence at 2.00pm. The seminar includes a very enjoyable, live concert performed by talented Sahaja Yoga musicians.
People who attended the seminars before remarked that they enjoyed the relaxed, friendly atmosphere, the meditation and the music, and could feel their tensions being melted away by this simple but effective technique.
For those of you who have already been attending our weekly programs, this workshop will help you to improve your meditations, achieve the state of mental silence, and improve your overall well-being.
Please feel free to attend, even if you have never meditated before.
2:00 – 2:30pm: Welcome and refreshments
2:30 – 3:00pm: How to achieve the state of “mental silence” in meditation
3:00 – 4:00pm: Clearing techniques for deepening your meditation
4:00 – 4:20pm: Video lecture from Shri Mataji (founder of Sahaja Yoga)
4:20 – 5:15pm: Meditation and live music
5.30pm: Dinner
Cost: There is no payment required.
Sahaja Yoga Meditation Centre, Wamuran Qld
95 McClintock Road, Wamuran
Directions to Venue in Wamuran
From the M1 motorway, take the Kilcoy exit and proceed along D’aguilar Highway until you reach Wamuran. Opposite the IGA store, turn right and then right again into Station Rd. Turn left at the small roundabout into Newlands Rd for approximately 3km, and then left into Patane Rd which leads to McClintock Rd. Number 95 is just over the top of the hill on the left.
Click here for Google Map directions to our venue.
Are you planning to attend?
For planning purposes, please email us at [email protected] if you’d like to come along.
We sincerely hope you are able to attend this relaxing and informative event.

Bowing in ritual
Worshipping the Eternal
My heart meets Thee at Thy Place
And sees Thy Face.
Illusions during the day
Are gone out of my way
With vibrant emotion
At the further point of my devotion
No more I exist
Only Thee exists.
Like birds playing
Like flowers blooming
Reduce the distance
Make me pure existence
So that, at Thy Place
Always my heart sees Thy Face.