O Earth! O Air! O Splendid bright space! O Abundance of Glory! O Cause of Creation! O Fire of devotion! O Absolute Truth!
O Ye Earth! O Ye Spaces! O Ye Heavens!
May we attain that desired radiance of the (Creator) God Savitri.
And may He inspire our prayers and stimulate our intelligence.
All reverence to that all-pervading holiness which penetrates all the waters, all the stars, the life essence and death.
Amen. O Earth! O Air! O Ye Heavenly Spaces!
As translated by LV
When we first achieve Self-realisation, for some of us it is difficult to establish a regular pattern of practice. We experience the Cool Breeze at a Sahaja Yoga program when we sit for meditation collectively. We resolve to try to meditate at home, but somehow the days and weeks go by and we forget how peaceful we felt, or if we remember we can’t seem to feel the same quality of calmness. For others, the desire to go inside and to commune with this “self” that we have “realised” at long last, is so strong that we make time every day for sitting quietly and raising the Kundalini, even if we have to curtail some other aspect of life.
One lady said, “It’s strange – even though I didn’t try to do meditation at home, I couldn’t stop thinking about it on and off all week!” This is the Spirit, the true self, trying to get her attention in any way it can.
You may have experienced something similar. Most of us work in the community or at home, or both. We have to spend time travelling, looking after others, attending mostly to things outside ourselves. We say things such as, “I know it would be good for me to meditate more but I just don’t seem to find the time.”
If this is true for you, perhaps just raising your awareness a little, no matter what else you are doing, may help. You can start by asking yourself, “Where is my attention?”
The answer may come, of course, that you are attending to what you are physically doing. It also may be that you are thinking about something else entirely. There are volumes written about how we should be in the present moment, controlling the “wild horse” of the mind, reining in our thoughts, “keeping our mind on the job.” When you are sweeping the floor, sweep. When you are in a meeting, pay attention to each contribution, each decision. If you are a busy mother you are probably doing one job, with your attention on another more important one – where your child is and what he is doing.
With so much competition for our attention from outside we rarely have the luxury of having the attention on the Spirit, inside. When we raise the Kundalini, however, this mothering energy gives us exactly what any mother does, the power to have the attention on the inner child, the Spirit. Just by desiring it you can learn to put your attention at the top of your head, at the fontanelle bone, where your Kundalini fountains out to meet the all-pervading energy that creates the Universe. If you have privacy you can use your right hand to “lift” the energy from the base of your spine to the top of your head a few times. Then, press your right palm against your fontanelle bone and rotate the scalp clockwise a few times, pressing firmly, until you feel that your attention is settled there at the top of the head. Continue with your outside activities and occasionally check again, “Where is my attention?”
Why do we try to have the attention at the top of the head? What is the significance of this? In the subtle body we have three energy channels, the central one of which is the channel of evolution to the fourth dimension, the Spirit. This channel culminates in an energy centre on top of the head corresponding to the limbic area of the brain in the physical body. It is called the Sahasrara Chakra or thousand-petalled lotus. The opening of this centre enables a human being to be in a state of “thoughtless awareness” or complete integration, both with the individual self in all its aspects and with the Great Self or collective consciousness. Both sides of the brain work together and we can go beyond thought to have a “bird’s eye view” of ourselves and the world. We experience the joy of oneness with everything. We feel complete.
The other two channels end in the Agnya Chakra or energy centre at the forehead where thinking occurs in all its forms – words, images, feelings. If our attention stays at this point we find we are thinking either of the past (left-sided energy) or the future (right-sided energy). As the past is finished and cannot be changed and the future has not yet come, there is no reality in either of these states. Reality is here and now, in the present moment; the place beyond thought but in full awareness of everything that is going on; the place of the witness. So why not take a “reality check” every now and then and lift your attention above the thoughts with the help of your Kundalini, your mothering energy. The more you do this the easier it will become to be in meditation and the more joy you will experience.
Christine Driver
(Photograph courtesy of Jin Neoh)
A Sahaja Yoga program will be held on Saturday 16 June 2007 at Lane Cove Public School at the corner of Longueville Rd and Austin St, Lane Cove, Sydney. The evening will commence at 6.00 pm. Everyone is welcome to come along to experience the inner peace and joy that come from Sahaja Yoga meditation.
If you would like to have information about this program you can phone 0422 798 498.
If you want to know about Sahaja Yoga programs in other areas, you can telephone 1300 72 42 52 (1300 SAHAJA) or visit Sahaja Yoga Meetings.
When improper thoughts disturb the mind, there should be constant pondering over the opposites.
Improper thoughts and emotions such as those of violence – whether done, caused to be done, or even approved of – indeed, any thought originating in desire, anger or delusion, whether mild, medium or intense – do all result in endless pain and misery.
Overcome such distractions by pondering on the opposites.
When one is confirmed in non-violence, hostility ceases in his presence.
When one is firmly established in speaking truth, the fruits of action become subservient to him.
All jewels approach him who is confirmed in honesty…
When one is confirmed in non-possessiveness, the knowledge of the why and how of existence is attained…
As a result of contentment there is purity of mind, one-pointedness, control of the senses, and fitness for the vision of the self.
Supreme happiness is gained via contentment.
Through sanctification and the removal of impurities, there arise special powers in the body and senses.
By study comes communion with the Lord in the Form most admired.
Realization is experienced by making the Lord the motive of all actions.
From The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali – The Threads of Union