News, events and articles about Sahaja Yoga meditation worldwide


Sahaja Music and MeditationOur meditation team and Music of Joy group will be in Sydney during July and August.

The renowned Music of Joy group will present their delightful and vibrant songs taken from countries from all over the globe. Their music can awaken and enlighten the spirit within, and one can feel meditative, joyous and uplifted in a most effortless and spontaneous way.

All events include guided meditations to help reduce stress and achieve the peace of true meditation, as well as tips on how to help stay in balance during the day and how to meditate at home. Free follow-up classes will be available.

Friday 22nd July,  6:30pm to 8:30pm
Homebush Public School Hall
Rochester St, Homebush
(opposite Homebush train station, enter school via Rochester St).
Contact: Mahima 0425 261 119 or Rahul 0475 962 947
(Google map)

Sunday 31st July, 3:30pm to 5:30pm
Revesby Community Hall
Macarthur Street, Revesby
Contact: Andrew 0427 481 363
(Google map)

Sunday 14th August, 3pm to 5pm
Elizabeth Hall, Willow Community  Centre
25 Edgeworth David Ave Hornsby (behind Willow Park Playground)
Contact: Jo 0458 498 550
(Google map)

More information
• Free of charge •  Everyone welcome • No booking required.
Over 80 meditation classes around Australia


Music of Joy The Sahaja Yoga meditation team and music group, Music of Joy, will be in the Blue Mountains on the weekend of 17-18 June 2016.

The renowned Music of Joy group will present their delightful and vibrant songs taken from countries from all over the globe. Their music can awaken and enlighten the spirit within and one can feel meditative, joyous and uplifted in a most effortless and spontaneous way.

The events will include free sessions using the Sahaja Yoga meditation technique.

Meditation & Music
Friday 17th June, 7pm to 9 pm

Red Cross Building, 107 Macquaries Rd, Springwood

Music of Joy Outdoor Concert
Saturday 18th June, 10am to 11:15am
Winter Magic Festival
Civic square (next to the old library), Katoomba

More information
• Free of charge •  Everyone welcome • No booking required.
Over 80 meditation classes around Australia

International Day of Yoga 2016Please join us at a free meditation event to experience true Yoga as part of the United Nation’s International Day of Yoga (World Yoga Day).

True Yoga and Meditation
True Yoga is our union with the All-pervading Power. Sahaja Yoga Meditation provides this connection through Self-realisation and Kundalini awakening.

Traditionally, Yoga means union with this energy, and in the past, exercises associated with modern day physical yoga were used to attain this meditation state. Today, this meditation is easily achieved through a process called Self-realisation (Kundalini awakening) which frees us from stress and enables us to enjoy the present moment. In 1970, Shri Mataji founded this meditation, which can improve our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

The Sahaja Yoga Meditation technique brings about a state of thoughtless awareness that quietens the mind and connects us to our inner self and the All-pervading Energy.

Event locations are below or visit our website

Saturday 18th June, 3:30pm to 5:00pm

Klemzig Primary School,
2 Hay Street, Klemzig, Adelaide (Google map)
Enquiries: Tony 0417 806 336.  Free ongoing meditation classes in South Australia

Sunday 26th June, 10:30am to 1pm
Sahaja Yoga Meditation Centre,
95 McClintock Road, Wamuran Queensland
(60mins north of Brisbane, near Caboolture) (Google Map)
Enquiries: 1300 724 252. Free ongoing meditation classes in Queensland

Sunday 19th June, 10.30am to 12.00pm
Sahaja Yoga Meditation Centre
77 Chewings Street, Scullin Canberra (Google map)
Enquiries: Phillip 02 6257 2057 or Lyn 0410 177 822. Free ongoing meditation classes in Canberra

Saturday 25th June, 3.00pm to 5.30pm

Footscray Community Arts Centre
45 Moreland St, Footscray Melbourne (Google map)
Enquiries: Andrei 0421 194 651. Free ongoing meditation classes in Victoria

Sunday 19th June
Bondi Pavilion. Queen Elizabeth Drive, Bondi Beach (Google map)
Live ‘Music of Joy’ Meditation
11:10pm to 11:40pm in the Big Top – Acro and Beyond
12:00pm to 12:30pm in the TalkFest Theatre Auditorium
Experience Sahaja Yoga Meditation
2:00pm to 2:45pm in the High Tide Room
Enquiries: Lisa 1300 724 252. Free ongoing meditation classes in New South Wales

Sunday 19th June, 2.00 to 4.00pm

South Perth Community Centre
Corner of South Terrace & Sandgate Street, South Perth (Google map)
Enquiries: Helen 1300 724 252.

Saturday 18th June, 11:00am to 1pm
SouthWest Women’s Health and Information Centre, Plaza Street
Enquiries: Leigh 0439475925

Tuesday 21 June, 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Busselton Family Centre, 19-21 Kent Street
Enquiries: Dale 0437 356 002

Margaret River
Wednesday 22nd June, 6:30pm to 8:00pm
Margaret River Community Resource Centre.
Enquiries: Troy 0412 446 801

More info
• Free of charge •  Everyone welcome • No booking required.
• No physical exercises, postures or special clothing required. Chairs provided.
Over 80 meditation classes around Australia

Canberra Sahaja Yoga classBeginners and those who wish to go deeper in their meditation are invited to this intermediate meditation program. This will help you achieve a deeper meditation experience with a larger group of regular meditators.

The program will include clearing techniques to enhance the meditation, guided meditations to establish the experience of inner silence, a video talk by Shri Mataji, the founder of Sahaja Yoga, and music to enhance the enjoyment of the meditative experience.

No physical exercises, postures or special clothing required. Chairs are provided.

Event details
Saturday 28th May
5:30 pm to 7.00 pm
Sahaja Yoga Meditation Centre
77 Chewings Street, Scullin Canberra
[Google Map]

If you would like to attend, email us at:  [email protected]

Cost: Sahaja Yoga is always free. Events are provided free by our experienced team of volunteers, as a non-profit community service.

Light refreshments will be provided after the program.

Enquiries (02) 6254 4986 or 0438 481 900

Meetup: Also check us out on our ACT Meetup page

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