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You are invited to a Meditation Workshop on Sunday 21st December 2014. The workshop includes balancing and clearing techniques, in-depth knowledge of chakras and live music. The workshop will help you to grow deeper in your meditation experience, to enjoy the beautiful vibrations of this Sahaja Yoga country property and to learn more from experienced meditators.

When: Sunday 21st December 2014, from 10.00 am to 3.00pm
(Arrive from 9:30 am)

Where: Sahaja Yoga Meditation Centre,
95 McClintock Road, Wamuran Queensland
(60 minutes north of Brisbane)
Google map

Cost: No charge. Workshops are provided free by our experienced team of volunteers, as a non-profit community service.

Lunch: Lunch and afternoon tea will be provided.

9:30am: Arrival and refreshments
10.00 am to 2.00 pm: Workshop
• Introduction to meditation
• Video talks by Shri Mataji, the founder of Sahaja Yoga
• Vibratory awareness workshop
• Clearing techniques using the various elements
• In-depth knowledge about the chakras
• Meditating on earth and guided meditations

2.00 pm to 3.00 pm: Afternoon tea and live meditation music

If you are planning to attend, please email [email protected].


But the greatest thing is the piercing of the Agnya Chakra which is described in all spiritual treatise, or may be called as the scriptures, that that is the door which is golden, which is like a cover, and no one can pass through that, so constricted is this door of Agnya Chakra. But Christ did cross that. His crossing has helped us today to open your Agnya. Without opening the Agnya you cannot go to Sahasrara. And this was done so easily in your case, only because Christ could go through all that torture and all that brutality, and crossed over. How much we should be indebted to Him, I don’t know words that can express, because He is the One who took lead in telling people that “You seek. You seek and you’ll find.” And then He says that “You have to come and bang at the door.” This is exactly what has happened in your case, that you have risen up to Agnya and then you have crossed beyond Agnya. This crossing of Agnya was not at all difficult for you, though by your own ideas of thinking and of conditioning, of the futuristic planning and all that, it was a big, big crowd, I should say, of very black clouds were hovering on the Agnya. Your thoughts were overpowering you, and you could not have penetrated through this Agnya which was all covered. But you did, and you never even felt that you have crossed the Agnya Chakra so easily.

The first of all, we all should really be very thankful to Christ for opening the Agnya for you. For Him all the tortures and all the brutality were nothing, because His purpose of life, His purpose of His advent, His incarnation, was to break the Agnya Chakra. Today you will find that even though your Agnya is opened out and you have crossed through, still you’ll be amazed that people get involved in the Agnya Chakra.

Shri Mataji, Istanbul, Turkey 19 April 1998

Discover the peace of true meditation

Reduce stress • Go beyond thinking • Balance your inner self

We’re pleased to invite you to our next meditation workshop. Come along and deepen your meditation experience and refresh your knowledge of Sahaja Yoga. Learn more on how to balance yourself so you can maintain your meditation.

Never meditated before? Everything is explained! Simple and effective guided meditations, separate introductory session, interesting presentations, practical sessions, take-home kits, refreshments.

Devonport Workshop
Devonport Library, Meeting Room One
21 Oldaker Street, Devonport
Saturday 22nd November
10.00 am to 11.30 am

Launceston Workshop
Community Health Centre, Joan Marshall Wing
McHugh Street, Kings Meadows, Launceston
Saturday 22nd November
2.00 pm to 3.30 pm

No booking required. Light refreshments provided.

Enquiries: Phone 6245 1476 or 0416 435 278

Cost: No charge. Workshops are provided free by our experienced team of volunteers, as a non-profit community service.

The Workshop

  • Learn simple and effective ways to help you experience the peace of true meditation
  • Learn how to balance the subtle system to deepen your meditation
  • Watch video talks by founder, Shri Mataji
  • No physical exercises, postures or special clothing required
  • Chairs are provided

We hope to see you soon!

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