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South Perth Sahaja YogaDiscover the Joy Within

You are invited to this unique meditation and music event to Discover the Joy Within through true meditation.

Enjoy the powerful rhythms and unique fusion of East and West music performed by the energetic Sahaja Yoga Meditation Group. Treat yourself to an enlightening and entertaining music event.

During this program you will feel the state of true meditation (‘thoughtless awareness’) through Self Realisation and also enjoy music which expresses the bubbling joy that comes from this profound state of peace.

Event details
Saturday 12th December, 2015
11am to 12.30pm


South Perth Community Hall
Cnr Sandgate St & South Terrace
South Perth
Google Map

Cost: This is a FREE event, which is suitable for complete beginners. It is provided free by an experienced team of volunteers, as a non-profit community service.

Bookings: To reserve your seat please phone 0409 882 132.

More about Self Realisation
When awakened, the Kundalini energy rises through the subtle system and opens the Sahasrara Chakra in the limbic area. A person’s sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems become relaxed and balanced, producing a natural state of meditation marked by thoughtless awareness, alertness and a profound sense of peace within, which leads to the harmonious integration of the individual’s emotional, physical and mental aspects.

Hope to see you there.


Shri Mataji

Nothing like laughing. Laughing is the greatest correction; you’ll laugh at yourself, you’ll laugh at others. Don’t make others look ridiculous, but just enjoy the way others are and enjoy each other. They are all very beautiful people, very beautiful. It’s like one beautiful flower is enjoying the fragrance of another beautiful flower. That’s what should be.

One should not feel, that, “Oh, look at this flower. It’s so beautiful.” Look at yourself; you are so beautiful, too. But unless and until you enjoy the fragrance and the beauty of another flower, you cannot know what you are, because you are all just the same inside. You are all people whose Spirit has come into their attention, wonderful people …

Shri Mataji, Germany, 10 July 1988

Strathfield Spring Festival 2015Sahaja Yoga Meditation will have a stall at the Strathfield Spring Festival on Sunday 6 September 2015.

This is a family fun day to celebrate Father’s Day, with a whole range of interesting stage presentations, including a performance by the Sahaja Yoga world music group, Music of Joy.

Music of Joy will be performing at 1.30 pm on the Demonstration Stage.

For details about the festival, please click here.

Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji

Once you become the part and parcel of the whole, you do not feel that you are doing any good to others or you are obliging anyone because nobody is the other. If somebody feels this hand paining, the another hand soothes him. And what is the obligation? Who is the other that you are helping? You are helping yourself. So the feeling of other goes away. When you have the first stage of thoughtless awareness, then you watch everything without thinking, is Zen.

Now I see a beautiful piece here and I know it is not mine, so I have no headache of it. But when I watch it without thought, all the joy that was put into this to create this starts filling me up completely because there is no thought in between. Otherwise I would think, “How much will I pay for this? When will I get it? Where will I buy it?” But when I have no botheration like that and just enjoying without owning it.

Like a calm lake reflects all that is created around it, the joy of that, fully. In the same way, the calm mind, without any thought, reflects the joy of the creation. So the idea of my mind drops out, all the headaches of insurance drops out. But the greatest thing is that you start enjoying another person.

Shri Mataji, Munich, Germany, 9 May 1985

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