There will be a realisation stall at the Leura Fair to be held in Leura in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney on 6 and 7 October 2007.
The Leura Fair is held as part of the Leura Garden Festival. People come from all over to visit the beautiful gardens in their springtime splendour. The main street in Leura where the Fair is held is lined with beautiful blossom trees in full bloom.
Please come along and enjoy the gardens, the ambience and the opportunity to find out about Sahaja Yoga meditation.
(Photograph courtesy of geekphilosopher.com)
A Cultural Evening of Meditation, Music and Dance will be held at Richmond near Sydney. The program will include meditation through realisation, a recorded talk by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (the founder of Sahaja Yoga), a performance by the world music group, “Music of Joy”, and a special dance performance by Sandeep Bodhanker and students.
Please come along and enjoy a wonderful evening of music, dance and joyful meditation.
Date: Saturday 6 October 2007
Time: 7.00 pm
Venue: Richmond School of Arts (opposite library)
Corner March and West Market Sts
Australia is very far off. But this is the land which is the land of purity. This is the land in the universe, is the first centre that you see there, and Uluru that you have – Uluru means, as I told you, is the Chaitanya, is the symbol of that purity. So you stand for the innocence of the world. You are such a great nation here that stands for the innocence … so you have to be careful and understand your own identity as innocent people. And I am sure it will work out very well for all of you. And this country which has many problems will be solved by your own purity, and the whole world can be helped with your own purity and beautiful lives. May God bless you.
Shri Mataji, Sydney, 1990
It’s important to rise very much above the rest of the people. Why not be like Martin Luther? We can do it. Why do we not create people of that kind who speak of something great, who bring the attention of people to something higher, raise their necks upward to see … with their heads higher than the others, and see something great within us – something so idealistic, so impossible for them to understand?
We have to have unique people. And that’s what we have to work out in our ascent – in individual and in collective ascent…. So we have to be very solemn about it and get to that state where the whole thing becomes a leela [play] because you are so powerful – like Shri Krishna.
Shri Mataji, 1990