We are aware that the Paramchaitanya [All-pervading Power] does everything. At least mentally we know that everything is worked out by the grace of the Paramchaitanya, which is the power of the Adi Shakti [Primordial Power]. But still, it is not so much in our heart, so much in our attention.
We can consider the Paramchaitanya lika an ocean, like an ocean which contains everything within itself … Everything is within its own limits, so it cannot be compared with a limit. You cannot compare it.
Now if you see the sun, then from the sun, the rays have to come out to work it. If you see somebody – say, a person who has an authority – he has to assert that power outside. So within himself, he doesn’t work it out.
For example, if there’s a seed and, inside the seed, only the tree grows and the fruits come out and then they are sold and people eat them and everything is inside that seed, then that is the Paramchaitanya.
So we are all enveloped in it … We are on the waves, so we see it as dislocated, separated – like we feel, “This is Germany” or “This is England” or “This is India”. These are just folds of the sari of Paramchaitanya, which look separated, but they are not separated. They are continuous. So the connection is absolutely complete. if I pull a thread from here, the thread will throughout be pulled.
In the same manner, this Paramchaitanya is working within itself and there is nothing without.
So when you are Sahaja Yogis, it pays special attention to you … It becomes absolutely one with you. Whatever you desire, whatever you want also will be coming from the same Paramchaitanya, if you are one with it.
Like in a turbulent ocean, some drops of water may fly into the air and start thinking, “We are above. We are away from the world, away from the ocean.” But again, they have to fall into the same.
So this formless energy has all the intelligence, all the coordination, all the organisations, all the computers, all the televisions, all that you can think of as communication and of governing, of administration. And, above all, it is the love. It is the love of God and love of your Mother. So to be one with this Paramchaitanya, you have to know that you have to become reality …
So all of you Sahaja Yogis have to know that, in reality, you do not do anything and everything is done by the Paramchaitanya. This is the difference between a non-Sahaja Yogi and a Sahaja Yogi. A non-Sahaja Yogi does not know. And even if he knows, this is not the truth in his heart. It’s not a part and parcel of his being. But a Sahaja Yogi knows that reality is the Paramchaitanya and it is reality that works out everything – and this reality is Divine Love.
Shri Mataji, 1989
“Suddenly I had the overwhelming experience of having just emerged from a dense cloud. I knew all at once: now I am myself! It was as if a wall of mist were at my back, and behind that wall there was not yet an ‘I’. But at this moment I came upon myself.
Previously I had existed too, but everything had merely happened to me. Now I knew: I am myself now: now I exist.”
Carl Jung (describing an experience at age 12 years)
(Photograph: hrono.ru)
The Ryde Harmony Day Festival will be held at Ryde in Sydney on Sunday 30 March from 11.30 am – 4.30pm.
Address: Ryde Park, Argyle Road, Ryde.
Sahaja Yoga will have a large tent at the festival. Among the attractions offered will be meditation sessions, face painting, colouring and Mendhi (Indian hand painting).
The Sahaja Yoga group, “Music of Joy” will present inspiring and dynamic world music between 3.00 and 3.30pm. There will also be a performance of Indian dancing by two talented young Sahaja yogis at 11.40 am.
We all have our understanding about Easter’s message and there are so many ways of celebrating Easter.
At the recent Easter celebrations in India, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi spoke about forgiveness, saying that we should forgive everyone, and that this message of forgiveness is not just for Easter, but for all time.
Forgiveness is the main power at the level of Agnya chakra. This power was revealed and incarnated as Jesus Christ.
Around the time of Easter maybe many of us have faced challenges related to our power to endure and to forgive – a power that ultimately leads to unconditional love.
I’m reading an amazing book, The Measure of a Man, by Sidney Poitier and the vibrations are beautiful. His words are very Sahaj, very similar to talks offered by Shri Mataji. His words have the most profound significance.
Please, see below some quotes from his book − quotes that I happened to read at Easter time. It’s a “cool” and elevating book and I recommend it to you.
Forgiveness works two ways, in most instances. People have to forgive themselves too… That should be a sacred process.
And somewhere along the line, they’re going to realize that there’s no way for them to live with the requirements of their rage, with the requirements of their hatred. They have to find peace, because they won’t get peace from rerunning those emotions.
The above words are totally Sahaj and they talk about the Pure Knowledge of the Spirit at the level of Agnya Chakra, the energy centre that is connected to the element of Light and that was opened by Jesus Christ at the universal level, for all mankind.
Ioana Popa
(Photograph: bangkokpost.com)