News, events and articles about Sahaja Yoga meditation worldwide


Gurrumul Yunupingu

Gurrumul Yunupingu

A reader has written to recommend listening to two recent releases of what he describes as remarkable Australian music.

“I have just heard a most incredible Australian CD, Cannot Buy My Soul – The Songs of Kev Carmody.   The musician and songwriter, Paul Kelly, pulled together a stellar cast of the cream of the Australian music scene to host a concert playing the songs of Kev Carmody, an Aboriginal drover turned musician.

“Kev Carmody wrote his songs from the 1960s through to the 1980s.  There is so much dignity and eloquence in these songs, expressing the story from the soul of the Australian Indigenous people.  Sometimes music can express the inexpressible qualities of a country – such is this music. 

“Also highly recommended when contemplating Australian indigenous music is Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu’s  widely acclaimed album, Gurrumul.  There are many good reasons to recommend his music, which is mostly sung in various Indigenous languages, with scenes drawn from the Aboriginal “Dreaming”.
“Gurrumul, blind since birth and a former member of the internationally acclaimed band Yothu Yindi, has released an album of quiet beauty.  His voice has been described as having being touched by angels.  If you are interested in some really great Australian music perhaps take a chance to listen to these.”


(Blue flower)

(Blue flower)

Mother, please, unite my attention with my true atmic Self
Mother, please, keep my attention in your Divine Lotus Feet
Mother, please, make me thoughtless, centered in present
Mother, please, purify and balance my subtle system
Mother, please, make me egoless, superegoless, unconditional forgiver
Mother, please, open my heart
Mother, please, establish integration in my Sahasrara
Mother, please, make me a perfect divine instrument
Mother, please, make me a permanent citizen of Virata
Mother, please, dissolve my Spirit in the Divine Spirit
Mother, please, make me one with The Divine Oneness
Mother, please, use me as an assistant of your transforming work
In converting of humankind into a Race of Pure Divine Love
Mother, please, give me love to love your entire Creation

Veni Grig

First of all our eyes are not steady. They go on hovering from here to there. God knows what we are looking for. The eyes become impure because we start thinking about things. As soon as we see something we start thinking and a barrier is created.

 For example, there is a beautiful piece, something very beautiful, you see, and looking at it, if there’s a thought you cannot enjoy. But if there is no thought, there’s pure rapport, pure connection, between that beautiful art and yourself. Then you just see it and enjoy that joy of the artist which he has poured into it, without thinking about it.

Otherwise normally people will think, “How many pounds can I save?” or “What should I do? Should I purchase it or not?” All sorts of nonsensical, flippant, cheap ideas can come into your head. Or could be something higher also. “This colour is not matched with that and this.” But a person who is a realised soul will just see, just like children. They just look, in the same way, without thinking.

So the first thing that happens to your attention is that the thoughts subside. Thought is the first problem that has started with ego and now when the thoughts subside then you become peaceful.

Shri Mataji, 1984

There are many Sahaja Yoga events taking place in New South Wales, Australia, this weekend.

Meditation Fairs This Weekend
Sahaja Yoga meditation stalls will be at the following fairs. Please visit us to experience true meditation.

Leura – Blue Mountains
Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th October 2008
Meditation Stall at Leura Village Fair, Leura Mall

Ashfield – Sydney
Sunday, 12th October 2008
Meditation Stall at Carnival of Cultures at Ashfield Park
Corner of Orpington St and Parramatta Rd, Ashfield

Sunday, 12 October
Meditation Stall at Viva La Gong Multicultural Festival
McCabe Park, corner Burelli and Church Sts, near City Mall, Wollongong

New Weekend Meditation Meetings
New weekend meditation meetings are being held in Sydney’s east.

Maroubra (starting Sunday 12 October 2008)
Every Sunday, 5.00 pm – 6.00 pm
Maroubra Senior Citizens Hall
6 Alma Rd, Maroubra
Contact: 0415 832 374  or 0406 266 616

Bondi (starting Saturday 25th October 2008)
Every Saturday, 10.00 am -11.00 am
Bondi Public School
3 Wellington St, Bondi (near Bondi Road bus stop)
Contact: 0415 289 420

The times and venues for weekly meetings can be found

We look forward to meeting you at one of our events!

The NSW Sahaja Yoga collective

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