It is the mercy of my true Guru that has made me to know the unknown;
I have learned from Him how to walk without feet, to see without eyes, to hear without ears, to drink without mouth, to fly without wings;
I have brought my love and my meditation into the land where there is no sun and moon, nor day and night.
Without eating, I have tasted of the sweetness of nectar, and without water, I have quenched my thirst.
Where there is the response of delight, there is the fullness of joy. Before whom can that joy be uttered?
Kabir says: “The Guru is great beyond words, and great is the good fortune of the disciple.”
One Hundred Poems of Kabir. Translated by Rabindranath Tagore
Sahaj Music and Dance programs are being held in Madrid, Spain, once or twice a month. They are usually held in the public cultural city centres.
The programs usually follow a similar schedule. A short introduction is followed by bajhans (songs of praise) with a brief explanation about the energy or Deity invoked in each bajhan.
This is followed by giving Self-realisation. After a short introduction there is a guided meditation using music to awaken the seven chakras. For each chakra, everyone joins in singing the “Om” sound, accompanied by the corresonding musical note. The “Om” sound helps to make people more aware of each chakra and helps them in becoming thoughtlessly aware.
After this, the dancers arrive. They present some Indian dances representing a mythological story or invoking a particular energy or Deity. This also helps people to get into the central channel. This is followed by more bajhans.
After the programs, some people commented that they had a clear feeling of vibrations and a change of state.
From Roberto, Spain
There is something beyond, which you have to seek. There is something beyond, no doubt, which has been told to you by all the prophets, by all the scriptures, by all the incarnations who came on this earth. It has been promised also that you will be judged one day. But the first judgement will be your own. You yourself will decide whether you are seeking the Divine, or some frivolous things. If you are seeking the Reality and the Truth, then only you are going to be chosen, then only you are going to be the citizen of God’s Kingdom.
Shri Mataji, 1979
We can all do with less stress in our lives. Sahaja Yoga meditation is very easy to learn and is offered free of charge. You’re welcome to join us to experience the peace it can offer.
What is Meditation? Meditation is best understood as a state of “mental silence” in which one is fully alert and aware but free from the unnecessary thoughts or worries that lead to many of life’s daily stresses. This state of silence occurs spontaneously when one learns how to focus on the experience of the present moment, leading to a state of peace and calm. Through a simple process, known as Self-realisation (Kundalini awakening) this meditation state can be quickly established, maintained and, most importantly, enjoyed!
About Sahaja Yoga Meditation: Sahaja Yoga is a method of meditation which brings a breakthrough in showing how to achieve “thoughtless awareness”. It was founded by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970 and has now spread worldwide. As the potential to find peace inside and experience the true Self is innate in every human being, it cannot become the commodity of any business and cannot be paid for. Shri Mataji states “We cannot pay for our spiritual evolution.” Sahaja Yoga classes are free.
“Man in his search for joy and happiness is running away from the Self, which is the real source of joy… now a method has been found to tap the Divine power.”
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Nobel Peace Prize nomination: When Shri Mataji was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, Claes Nobel, Chairman of the United Earth Organisation, declared, “Shri Mataji’s discovery brings genuine hope to humanity.”
How can it be free? People who have experienced its benefit show others how to meditate. It’s that simple. Whether in the public, community or business sectors, Sahaja Yoga meditation is available without cost to the general public and to many schools, universities, hospitals, community centres, immigration detention centres and major corporations.
Our weekly meetings show you how to experience true meditation. You will also learn how to meditate at home and how to keep in balance. The techniques are easy to learn and practise. Beginners and experienced meditators are welcome. You can join in at any time – just come along. No prior knowledge is necessary; everything is explained.
What to expect: 1-1½ hr meetings with practical sessions, video talks by Shri Mataji and guided collective meditations to enjoy, in a relaxed atmosphere. It’s meditation based, not “exercise” yoga. No postures or special clothing are required and chairs are provided.
To attend: If you are interested in learning how to enjoy the peace of meditation, come along. Sahaja Yoga weekly meetings are offered free of charge, throughout Australia and the world.
Find a list of our free weekly meetings here.
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More about Sahaja Yoga meditation (our Australian site)
Best wishes
The Sahaja Yoga Collective of Australia