Shri Mataji
The attention has to be purified, but that you don’t have to do. Your kundalini itself purifies your attention.You become collectively conscious. Many things happen to your attention. Sitting down here you can tell about people, what’s happening to them….
Now the attention manifests itself. It’s another very remarkable thing that’s happened. Like I’m sitting here now and I’m thinking of someone …. If I want, I can think. If I don’t want, I need not think. That is the situation. But after Realisation, if somebody needs your help, you’ll just think of that person and if you think of that person, that person is helped.
Shri Mataji, 1984
Sitting down here you should be able to feel the centres of anybody you want to think of, whether dead, alive or far away. You should be able to say whether a person is a fake or if he is a real person of divinity. That means your computer – the mind that you call as the biggest computer that human beings have got – should become eloquent. Any knowledge that people give you, you should be able to say whether it is a true knowledge or not. That is what in the Vedas is called vidya. Vidya means “to be known on the nervous system”.
Shri Mataji, 1985