Shri Mataji
What is important is that you should know reality. You should know exactly what is right and what is wrong. For that, there is this great power of Kundalini within you. She is the one. She passes through all these centres – enlightens them first of all, so your awareness gets enlightened. And when she pierces through the Sahasrara, she joins you to this All-pervading Power, which is knowledge, which is love, which is truth.
So after that, you immediately know … that what we have been thinking so far, of separating ourselves from others by thinking that they are not all right, they are wrong, they are whatever it is. This disappears. This disappears completely. And then you realise that your awareness itself is dominated by so many circumstances – for example, where you were born, what your parents taught you, what experiences you have had. And then you realise that it was all wrong because it is not reality.
Whatever feelings you have, whatever ideas you have about another person or about another nation, all of them are not correct because now your Sahasrara is awakened. It is connected now to the All-pervading Power. So this starts flowing into you. This enlightened awareness, it starts flowing down into your being, in your brain and then on your nerves you can feel that awareness…
When your Sahasrara is enlightened, whatever you had gathered – knowledge, whatever you thought was right, whatever was your dream and your aims of life – all these aspirations, they melt away. And then you take to reality and you start seeing the reality of everything.
Shri Mataji