Jesus Christ
“I forgive.” This is the greatest weapon Christ has given us. You just say, “I forgive, I forgive,” and you can overcome your ego. This is the mantra for this chakra…. You’ll find your Agnya chakra will open out and you’ll find your ego will go away.
Forgiveness is one of the biggest weapons human beings have got. But they are so stupid. If I tell them to forgive – now what is there not to forgive? – they’ll say, “It’s very difficult to forgive.”
I say, “What is so difficult? What are you doing? Are you doing something when you say, ‘I am forgiving’? Do you do something? Nothing.”
On the contrary, when you do not forgive, then what is happening is the person whom you do not forgive is actually torturing you, while you are not torturing that person.
Shri Mataji, 1983