Shri Mataji
Your Kundalini rises. She is your mother. She is your individual mother and she gives you the second birth. That’s how you get connected to the Divine Paradise.
All this, if it is told without Realisation, has no meaning. But people were given great ideas about it and also were promised that “one day your resurrection will come.” It is the greatest happening for you. It is the greatest event of your life and one must consider it is very fortunate that you have been able to achieve it. All this is because you desired it.
In many of your lives you have been desiring the heavenly paradise. People have been going around in the hills and dales seeking, doing all kinds of things. That is already done by you. You do not have to give up anything….
Life is not that difficult for you. Your job is the easiest thing…. You are all realised souls and you have to create the Divine Paradise on this Earth.
Shri Mataji 2000