Diwali Video Talks by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Let us take the time to prepare ourselves spiritually, to ensure we fully absorb Shri Mataji’s vibrations that will flow when we worship Her at Diwali Puja. Please see the sections below for videos, audios and booklets to help us in our own preparations for this auspicious event.
A playlist of talks and extracts by Shri Mataji

Significance of "Diwali" ( explain by shree Mataji)

Significance of Five days of Diwali

What is Meaning of "Diwali" and "Dhanteraj"?

What is "Narak Chaturdashi?" And What Sahajayogi to do on this day??

Deleted video

what is Significance of "Balipratipada" or "Goverdhan puja"?