The respective powers of Ida and Pingala nadis create ripples in the two channels. The chakras are created at the points where these ripples meet. Each chakra has a certain number of petals which express its qualities. Just as each chakra has a plexus as its gross correspondent in the nervous system, so each petal corresponds to a sub-plexus. For example, the Swadisthan chakra has six petals, the aortic plexus has six sub-plexuses. The chakras lie on the horizontal plane looking from above like over-lapping circles, and when in action, rotate in a clockwise direction.
Each of these subtle centres is a storehouse of energy for the gross plexuses supplying the physical, mental and emotional demands of the sympathetic nervous system. For instance, if the Swadisthan chakra looks after the abdominal organs, it also supplies energy to creative action and thought and depth to the aesthetic sensibility. Before Kundalini awakening, the energy in the chakras is limited and exhaustible, as in a battery. After realisation, they are connected by Kundalini passing through Sushumna (the middle channel) to the infinite current of the universal superconscious, to the all-pervading power of divine love.
The chakras are all milestones in the path of evolution, each evolving and developing at particular stages of our history. The Visuddhi centre for instance, in the throat, developed fully at the time when man first raised his head.
After Self-realisation, as Sahaja Yogis we are empowered to awaken the Kundalini and open the chakras. The seven main chakras each relate to a specific area of the hands. The chakras also have signal points in the head, feet, joints, limbs etc. Through the science of Sahaja Yoga, we check their condition by interpreting the codified sensations which we feel there. For instance, an obstruction in the right heart chakra will show itself as heat, tingling, numbness or pulsation in the little finger of the right hand. Problems in the chakras can also show themselves in other parts of the body. For instance, our nabhi chakra is expressed in our knees and elbows People who suffer from diseases like arthritis can be helped by having a Sahaja Yogi take out the vibrations from these joints. H. H. Shri Mataji has elaborated in such detail on the science of Sahaja Yoga that after realisation, we can all master the art of awakening of chakras, balancing of energy, protection of the instrument and all that is required to keep the yoga sustained.
There are various techniques of clearing and maintaining the chakras. But more important than any of these techniques is our attitude. When we stop identifying with our own problems and put our loving attention to those of others, then we stop catching on our own chakras and sirnply feel others. Developing this witness state, we become true instruments of the divine, just watching the whole play working through us. ‘We become the recording and correcting machine – the doctor and the medicine together.’