Sydney Concert > Registration
Sydney Meditation & Music Concert
Saturday 13th January 2024 • 6:30pm to 9pm
Epping Community Centre 9 Oxford Street, Epping
(Google map)
Hosted by Sahaja Yoga Meditation Australia
A free meditation and enlightened music concert for mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
Everybody welcome • For the whole family • Snacks and refreshments • Free follow-up in-person and online Sahaja Yoga meditation classes available.
For more information, call Mahima 0425 261 119
Please register, to assist us with planing and catering for this event.
About our Presenters
Madhu, earlier known as Madhuvanti presently teaches international students at a school in the lap of the Himalayas. Her strength is a uniquely scintillating blend of Hindustani Classical Music and folk Indian, fostering a meditative state of awareness. She has also conducted various workshops and presented papers at music seminars in India and abroad. With her powerful and soothing singing styles she captures the myriad hues colors, moods and attention of her listeners.
Founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation, Shri Mataji dedicated her life to helping humanity realise its innate spiritual nature through an experience known as Self Realisation. Her core teaching is that within us all lies a transformative potential, which can be awakened through Self Realisation and by doing so, we can bring peace and wellbeing to ourselves, our families and society.
Music of Joy is a unique, multicultural band based in Sydney. The magic of the group comes from the dynamic energy produced when over twenty musicians, with a wide variety of cultural backgrounds, join together with one common goal – to share music that is joyful and uplifting.
Welcome videos

8 Week Follow-up Meditation Course
Every Friday 7:30pm to 8:30pm
(Starting Fri 2nd Feb 2024)
Boronia Grove Community Hall, Meeting Room 1
40 Victoria Street, Epping
Google map
Weekly guided meditation sessions with clearing and balancing sessions. Suitable for everyone – complete beginners and regular meditators. Everything explained, no special clothing required. We sit on chairs.
Join in at anytime, even if you miss a session. For more information, call Mahima 0425 261 119
Classes, events and support
Free online Daily sessions, Courses and In-person Classes • Suitable for beginners and regular meditators. • No prior knowledge or experience of meditation required .
Keep up to date with our latest online meditation courses and events. We’ll keep in touch with emails and WhatsApp (optional).
Use WhatsApp for course news and dedicated support during, and after the classes and courses. Our long time meditators will help you to learn how to meditate.
Quotes by Shri Mataji
Founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation
“Only in meditation you are in present and you grow in your spirituality.”
Clean Heart
“If your heart is clean, you can see the other person clearly through and through. Innocence is such a powerful thing.”
“You have to have complete faith in yourself and that your Self is nothing but innocence.”
Thoughtless Awareness
“In thoughtless awareness nobody can touch you, that’s your fortress.”
“I need this, I need that, I need that. We should know what other people need.”
“You may be very great, you might be very intelligent, you may be earning lots of money, whatever it is. It’s not so important. What is the most important thing is that you are loved.”
How to meditate
Find a quiet place, remove shoes and sit comfortably on a chair or on the floor. If you wish, you can also setup a meditation table to enhance the meditation. Place a framed photo of Shri Mataji on a table in front of you, with a lit candle and optional flowers and incense. A meditation card with Shri Mataji’s photo can be downloaded from here.
More information
- More about Shri Mataji.
- Online meditations.
- Meditation videos, talks, music and downloads.
- Classes around Australia and Worldwide.
- Subscribe to receive our news and events.
Online meditations
Live meditation 24/7
All day and every day – Guided meditations, talks, music and more!

2 minute by Shri Mataji
Shri Mataji will awaken your inner being so you start doing Sahaja Yoga meditation.

3 minute quiet meditation
Sit quietly for 3 minutes with your hands palm-up on lap. Eyes can be open or closed.